Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shall We Talk by 陳奕迅 Eason Chan: Lyrics & Translation

A beautiful song that reminds me of a turning point in life.

Music Video (with Chinese lyrics):

Romanised Cantonese for those who can't read Chinese:

Lyrics & Translation Source:
(the second post, by "Ancillary Character")

Shall We Talk

明月光 為何又照地堂
ming yutgwong waiho yau jiu deitong
明月光 为何又照地堂
Radiant moonlight, why do you shine on the earthly paradise again?
寧願在公園躲藏 不想喝湯
ningyun joi gungyun dochong batseung hottong
宁愿在公园躲藏 不想喝汤
I’d rather hide in the park since I don't want to drink soup.
任由目光 留在漫畫一角
yamyau mukgwong laujoi maanwa yatgok
任由目光 留在漫画一角
Allowing my gaze to remain on the corner of a comic
waiho mong mochan yatngaan jau yu fat lautong
Why does looking at my mother seem like a punishment?

孩童只盼望歡樂 大人只知道寄望
haaitung ji paanmong funlok daaiyan jek jidou keimong
孩童只盼望欢乐 大人只知道期望
Children only hope for fun, adults only know of the future.
waiho dou batdaai dungdak noulik taiseut deuifong
Why don't we comprehend the need to work harder to sympathize with one another?
大門外有蟋蟀 迴響卻如同幻覺
daaimun ngoi yau sikseut wuiheung keuk yu tung waangok
大门外有蟋蟀 回乡却如同幻觉
There is a cricket outside the door; the echoes are like an illusion.
Shall we talk Shall we talk
jau dong chungsan sautosau heui seung hoktong
Let's start over and walk hand-in-hand to school.

陪我講 陪我講出我們最後何以生疏
pui ngo gong pui ngo gongcheut ngomun jeuihau hoyi saangso
陪我讲 陪我讲出我们最後何以生疏
Say with me, say aloud with me that in the end we can become estranged.
誰怕講 誰會可悲得過孤獨探戈
seui pa gong seui wui ho beidak gwo guduk taamgwo
谁怕讲 谁会可悲得过孤独探戈
Who's afraid of speaking? Who will be saddened by the lonely Tango?
難得 可以同座 何以 要忌諱赤裸
naandak hoyi tungjo hoyi yiu gei wai cheklo
难得 可以同座 何以 要忌讳赤裸
It's hard enough for us to get together, must we avoid baring ourselves?
如果心聲真有療效 誰怕暴露更多
yugwo samsing janyau liuhaau seui pa boulou gangdo
如果心声真有疗效 谁怕暴露更多
If the sounds of the heart really have a healing effect, who fears to reveal even more?
nei bit pa ngo
You mustn't fear me.

螢幕發光 無論什麼都看
yingmok faatgwong mouleun sammo dou hon
营幕发光 无论什麽都看
The TV screen radiates light. Regardless of what’s on, I’ll watch anyway.
chingyan joi fansau binyun ji gam hottong
Lovers on the brink of heartbreak only dare to drink soup.
若沉默似金 還談什麼戀愛
yeuk chammak chi gam waan taam sammo lyunngoi
若沉默似金 还谈什麽恋爱
If silence is golden, yet we talk about love.
ningyun joi faatsing geihei minchin siu jeuk mong
I’d rather stand before the speakers busy smiling

成人只寄望收穫 情人只聽見承諾
singyan ji geimong sauwok chingyan ji tinggin singnok
成人只寄望收获 情人只听见承诺
Adults only hope for success, lovers only hear promises.
waiho dou batdaai dungdak noulik jansik deuifong
Why don't we comprehend the need to work harder to cherish one another?
螳螂面對蟋蟀 迴響也如同幻覺
tonglong mindeui sikseut wuiheung ya yu tung waangok
螳螂面对蟋蟀 回乡也如同幻觉
The praying mantis confronts the cricket; the echoes are also like an illusion.
Shall we talk Shall we talk
就算牙關開始打震 別說謊
jausyun nga gwaan hoichi dajan bit syutfong
就算牙关开始打震 别说谎
Even if your jaw begins to tremble, don't tell a lie.

陪我講 陪我講出我們最後何以生疏
pui ngo gong pui ngo gongcheut ngomun jeuihau hoyi saangso
陪我讲 陪我讲出我们最後何以生疏
Say with me, say aloud with me that in the end we can become estranged.
誰怕講 誰會可悲得過孤獨探戈
seui pa gong seui wui ho beidak gwo guduk taamgwo
谁怕讲 谁会可悲得过孤独探戈
Who's afraid of speaking? Who will be saddened by the lonely Tango?
難得 可以同座 何以 要忌諱赤裸
naandak hoyi tungjo hoyi yiu gei wai cheklo
难得 可以同座 何以 要忌讳赤裸
It's hard enough for us to get together, must we avoid baring ourselves?
如果心聲真有療效 誰怕暴露更多
yugwo samsing janyau liuhaau seui pa boulou gangdo
如果心声真有疗效 谁怕暴露更多
If the sounds of the heart really have a healing effect, who fears to reveal even more?

陪我講 陪我親身正視眼淚誰跌得多
pui ngo gong pui ngo chansan jingsi ngaanleui seui ditdak do
陪我讲 陪我亲身正视眼泪谁跌得多
Speak with me; accompany me to face more tears that have fallen than from anyone else.
無法講 除非彼此已失去了能力觸摸
moufaat gong cheuifei beichi yi satheuiliu nanglik jukmo
无法讲 除非彼此已失去了能力触摸
Only if the two of us have already lost the ability to touch would we be incapable of speaking.
鈴聲 可以寧靜 難過 卻避不過
lingsing hoyi ningjing naangwo keuk bei batgwo
铃声 可以宁静 难过 却避不过
The sound of a bell can be serene, yet you can't avoid feeling bad.
如果沉默太沉重 別要輕輕帶過
yugwo chammak taai chamchung bityiu hinghing daaigwo
如果沉默太沉重 别要轻轻带过
If the silence weighs on you too heavily, don’t take it too lightly.

明月光 為何未照地堂
ming yutgwong waiho mei jiu deitong
明月光 为何未照地堂
Radiant moonlight, why haven't you shone on the earthly paradise?
孩兒在公司很忙 不需喝湯
haaiyi joi gungsi han mong batseui hottong
孩儿在公司很忙 不需喝汤
I’m very busy at work and don't need to drink soup.
And shall we talk 斜陽白趕一趟
and shall we talk cheyeung baak gon yat tong
And shall we talk 斜阳白赶一趟
And shall we talk, the setting sun rushed in vain.
chammak ling ngo tingdak gin yipyi singsing gong
The silence allows me to hear Yip's falling voice.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Gam Ching Sin Seung 感情线上 by Sammi Cheng 郑秀文: Lyrics 歌词

This is the theme song from the TV series "gu naam gwa neui 孤男寡女" (English title: Needing You) that appeared in the year 2000. For your karaoke pleasure.

Music Video:

Lyrics Source:

Artiste: Sammi Cheng 郑秀文
Music: Wong Ka Sin 黄嘉倩
Lyrics: Lam Chik 林夕

一个独自在发烧 yatgo dukji joi faatsiu
另外那位唇上结冰 lingngoi nawai seunseung gitbing
负负得正 fufu dak jing
各取需要 kok cheui seuiyiu
多玄妙 do yun miu
也许 yaheui
上天不给我的 seungtin batkap ngodik
无论我两臂怎紧扣 moleun ngo leung bei jam gan kau
仍然走漏给我的 yingyin jau lau kap ngodik
无论过去我怎失手都会拥有 moleun gwoheui ngo jam satsau douwui yungyau

一个恨浪漫太少 yatgo han longmaan taaisiu
另外那边期望太多 lingngoi nabin keimong taaido
实现不了 satyin batliu
结果将会 gitgwo jeungwui
多微妙 do mei miu
也许 yaheui
上天的一对手 seungtindik yatdeuisau
移动你与我的分寸 yidung nei yu ngodik fanchyun
行前或留后这对手 hangchin wak lauhau jedeuisau
其实正要送我给你不要斗 keisat jing yiu sung ngo kap nei batyiu dau

分叉的感情线 fanchadik gamching sin
正等我为你蔓延 jing dang ngo wai nei maan yin
彼此的感情线 beichidik gamching sin
交错发展 gaaucho faatjin
怎么舍得去剪 jammo sedak heui jin
心在你身边 sam joi nei sanbin
就算隐形亦有一天遇见 jausyun yanying chek yau yattin yugin
那些感应 nase gam ying
多灵验 do ling yim
也许 yaheui
被喜欢的女人 bei heifundik neuiyan
从自信散发的光线 chung jiseun saanfaatdik gwongsin
朦胧或明艳 munglung waak mingyim
不太难望见 bat taai naan mong gin
早布满对方双手 jou bou mun deuifong seungsau
你的感情线 neidik gamching sin
看出我下个十年 hon cheut ngo hago sap nin

分叉的感情线 fanchadik gamching sin
总会有某天一起发展 jungwui yau mautin yathei faatjin
等适合时候孤男寡女会连线 dang sikhap sihau gunaam gwaneui wui lyun sin
深呼吸等适合时候一场交战 sam fukap dang sikhap sihau yat cheung gaaujin
等适合时候孤男寡女去连线 dang sikhap sihau gunaam gwaneui wui heui lyun sin
深呼吸等适合时候一场交战 sam fukap dang sikhap sihau yat cheung gaaujin

Computer Hardware Failures

Before they die, computer hardware usually gives out subtle warning signs.

The DVD-RW drive starts to become unable to finalise every one out of few CDs.
The hard drive starts to fail to boot up every now and then.
The DSL modem keeps getting disconnected and unable to reconnect automatically.
The mouse becomes unresponsive.
The thumb drive can't be accessed on more and more computers.

I've experienced all these in the past few years and fortunately managed to get them replaced before disaster struck. Can't forget to emphasise the importance of backing up data periodically. Every now and then, everyone should burn their important info onto DVDs or a series of high-capacity storage.

It's always better to duplicate copy rather than to forget making a copy of your important stuff.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rendu Naal Iippoouuru

I'm glad to have visited iippoouuru last weekend. Managed to take photos of places which I didn't photograph on my previous visit in September 2008. Stayed overnight at Fair Park Hotel near the Ipoh Stadium, cost RM88/= for the whole night after tax and service charge. Also photographed various parts of town and ate breakfast at Kong Heng, Leech Street.

If you plan to buy something from Ipoh, get some boxes of salt baked chicken at Aun Kheng Lim, No 24 Theatre Street. It's at the intersection of Theatre Street and Anderson Road. There's lots of good food to eat in Ipoh, places you should check out are Kam Wan, Woolley Food City, Leech Street, Little India, and Greentown Business Centre just to name a few.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

God is on My Side. No! Mine Too! So How?

I was following a particular issue of interest online and looking at both sides of the story from two opposing parties.

Both parties claim they are doing the right thing.
Both parties proclaim their innocence.
Both parties believe God is on their side.
Both parties say that their version of the story is the truth.

So someone's telling lies here. Romba poyi, but who is the poyi paiyeh? I'm not acquainted with anyone involved from both parties and there's no straightforward way for me to know the plain truth.

If God is watching, what would He think? (Assuming God is male, otherwise the pronoun would be She or It.) Would He take sides or play off one party against the other just like in those ancient myths and legends?

So how? I am really confused here. Aiyoo KadavuLee!

It's sad when both parties started out with good intentions but in the course of events, many things went bad. As an outsider I better stay far away from this kind of controversies. Better stay out of these matters that bring no good to me if I get closer.

Sigh, if only it was so straightforward to do the right thing and separate truth from lies/propaganda.

The End -> A New Beginning

So last night was Little Havana's last salsa night before they close for renovations under a new owner. Two hundred and twelve people attended, from regular salsa people to those who have been away from the scene for some time. I wanted the night to end on a happy note and I'm glad it did.

Thank you everyone for your support. You all know who you are :)

There's a saying that goes something along the lines of "the end of something leads to a new beginning". An optimistic view of events, perhaps. One step at a time.

Life goes on.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Little Havana Salsa Finale?

Latest news: Berita terkini: 最新消息 : சமீபத்திய செய்தி : Little Havana has had a change of ownership. There will be one more Salsa Night this Friday, 5 June 2009 before they close for renovation. Hopefully we can continue salsa-ing there after the renovation's complete.