Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Farewell, 公公

I wrote the following paragraph (in quotation marks) on the day 公公 passed away.

"Grandpa (公公) passed away peacefully on Sunday, 21 March 2010 at the age of 90. I can't help but notice that his funeral photo looks a lot like my Facebook profile picture - the angle, the smile, the outline, it's so uncanny."

On 23 March 2010, I wrote this:

"公公今日去咗火化。之後会搬去汝莱孝恩园里面嘅一间公寓。阿弥陀佛。 Farewell, 公公, you will be dearly missed. See you during 清明。"

And on 24 March 2010:

"Namo Amituofo, Namo Amituofo... The words keep echoing as I watch the video clip showing the starting point of the final journey."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Bin Go Dou M Seun Dak Gwo 边个都唔信得过

点解仲有啲人虽然唔系冇钱,但系一样咁《贱格》?佢甘愿利用自己嘅朋友 so that 自己唔使出钱。无论麻烦都自己嘅朋友,佢唔理得咁多,最紧要系自己执到利益。屌你阿星。吝啬, 孤寒,贱格,走开啲!爱悭钱都唔使做到咁折堕!

有人认为利用人哋系应该嘅。 They justify it by saying "系佢愿意爱帮吗,所以我就噉罗" or "睇,有人咁好追住嚟搵我喎". To them it's second nature. It's in their blood. They've refined it to such an art. Hell yeah.


