Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Doggy Tales: Sights

Monday morning: Saw a pair of sweet doggies - one white with brown patches and another brown one with black muzzle trying to cross the road at BU12. I recognize the white one with brown patches, she stays in the forest clearing nearby. Further down the street at the 90 degree right turn, noticed a small white doggy with floppy ears, looks like a female who gave birth to puppies not long ago.

Monday evening: 4th Mile Old Klang Road near the Old Tin Hau Temple. Two dogs walked on the other side of the road near the temple against the traffic. One white one and one brown one. The brown one walked in a funny way. I scrutinized him, and my heart sank, he had only 3 legs. Without a right front leg he had to hop along as a tripod dog :(

Main road of OUG-Yarl Garden passing by the hill slope where the Chinese school is. The spot where a few pickup trucks sell roast duck, roast pork, and BBQ pork. The mixed Dalmatian female and two other doggies gathered around one of the trucks for dinner. Lucky doggies. They roam the residential area searching for shelter every time it rains.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Doggy Tales: Committment

I always tell my friends who want to keep a dog this: "Be prepared to sign a 15-year contract." Yes, it's true. When you choose to keep a dog, you have to give him (or her) a good life. Dog's life expectancy is 15 years, so if you get a puppy it'll grow up into a doggy and he's yours for life. Can you commit yourself to such a major commitment?

Your doggy will become your boss at home, your schedule will revolve around him, you will do many things for him - clean up the shit, take him to the vet, feed him, bathe him, walk him, and much more. You have to plan your holidays accordingly. You have to look at your living space - landed property or apartment? Indoor or outdoor dog?

If you want a pedigree dog, are you prepared for high maintenance? They got to go for haircuts, pedicure and the whole lot of periodic necessary upkeep.

A sample routine for someone's dog: Feed three times a day. Walk twice a day. Search for ticks daily. Bathe once a week - warm water only, do not bleach, use hairdryer to blow dry. Give treats to see a short performance.

You'll also need to learn how to read doggy language. Can you understand what your doggy's trying to tell you? It's more than bow wow woof woof. Their eyes, body posture, facial expression etc. convey messages to us. Even though doggies can't speak human language, they understand human communication to a certain extent. Any dog lover would concur with this. I believe the social nature of dogs has helped them blend well into human society, at least with those who love doggies.

Doggy Tales: Attachment

Some doggies cannot be separated from their owners. Otherwise, they'll exhibit weird behavior such as going on hunger strike, hiding from everyone, or incessant barking. There's no way they'll survive more than a night in a pet hotel without going crazy. Must find someone to take care of them on a full-time basis. Even then, the doggy may show strong signs that he/she misses his/her owner.

Update, 23 July 2010

Been too busy to update my public blog since mid-June. Lots of work to do, and work takes priority over other matters. Gym's been good. Am currently on maintenance mode. Three to four times a week keeps the achievements the way they're supposed to be.

Salsa in KL still continues at the default hotspots. I don't have the time to dance as often as in the past. Perhaps once a fortnight I go out, and what little I know is still enough for simple social stuff. Zouk's entering the scene with a bunch of enthusiasts. It may well be the next social dance to complement salsa the way bachata has.

The more I take photos the more I realize I need to improve. When I look back at photos taken in the past few years, I gasp. If only I had the knowledge I have now. It's like life, when I reminisce on events of a decade ago, I wish I had today's mind in my then body and stayed clear of all the yun wong lou 冤枉路。What's past is past, cannot be changed, but we still can influence our future to a certain extent.