Monday, April 23, 2012

Translation Exercise: Politics Article

Homework from the General Translation Course (Intensive) done in 2005. Revisited this one and made a change to some of the words I originally used. The revised translation is as follows:

Kerja rumah

Translation exercise
Latihan terjemahan


Major confrontation between governments and religious fundamentalists are increasingly prevalent in modern societies.
 Perbalahan antara pemerintah dan golongan fundamentalis agama semakin kerap dalam masyarakat moden.

Some states are opposing Islam as a 'power play'. I do not believe this strategy of outlawing religious movements and persecuting citizens on the basis of their religious convictions is effective.
 Sesetengah negara menentang Islam atas alasan 'permainan kuasa'. Saya tidak percaya strategi mengharamkan gerakan agama dan menindas rakyat atas pegangan agama adalah berkesan.

Indeed, fanning the flames of passion in relation to the issues of religion, in this way, is bound to result in a backlash by the religious sections of society.
 Sememangnya, mengipas api semangat berkaitan isu agama dengan cara ini pasti mencetuskan serangan balik daripada golongan masyarakat yang kuat pegangan agama.

One does not want 'to throw the baby out with the bath water'. I think it is absurd and senseless to pursue a tough policy on religion, on Islam, because of the fear of extremism and aggressive fundamentalism.
 Usahlah kita 'marahkan nyamuk bakar kelambu'. Pada pendapat saya, tidak wajar dan tidak masuk akal untuk mengamalkan polisi ketat terhadap agama Islam kerana takut akan ekstremisme dan fundamentalisme ganas.

It is worth noting that contemporary history provides a number of good examples where religion and secular authority not only co-exist but also blend harmoniously the canons of Islam with secular statehood in the management of the country.
 Harus diketahui bahawa sejarah semasa mempunyai beberapa contoh baik di mana pihak berkuasa agama dan sekular bukan sahaja wujud bersama-sama tetapi juga gabungkan dengan harmoni kanun Islam dengan prinsip negara sekular dalam pengurusan negara.

(Excerpt from The Critical Decade - Nursultan Nazarbayev (2003) - Chapter 2, pg. 56-57)