Thursday, August 15, 2013

So-called religious person can be plain nasty and treacherous

(Written on July 15, 2013)

No matter what religion a person says he follows, if he's a nasty/treacherous/bad person, he's still a nasty/treacherous/bad person. Doesn't mean that a so-called religious nasty/treacherous/bad person is better than a plain nasty/treacherous/bad person. 無論佢講佢信乜教,奸人始終都係奸人。 Mou leun keui gong keui seun mat gaau, gaan yan chi jung dou hai gaan yan.

Tamil for Better Language Understanding

(Written on June 26, 2013)

Tamil helps me to understand other languages better, because Tamil has the past, present, and future tenses of English, the flexibility of borrowing foreign language words like how Bahasa does, the nasal vowels of Portuguese, the sentence structure of Japanese with verbs at the end, the case endings of Russian, the respect language of Japanese, and a big difference between the formal written and colloquial spoken form like Cantonese. Tamil also trains phonetics because it has two R sounds and three L sounds, however it doesn't have F and Z sounds while J and H are marginal, and the writing doesn't distinguish between K and G or B and P. Vaalga Tamil Moli!

The day I stop caring, it means...

(Written on June 26, 2013)

The day I stop caring, it means...

講得啱,人哋係大人唔係細佬哥,佢做乜嘢都係自己擔當,我做得最多都係到此為止。 Well said, SbM.