Monday, September 4, 2017

Serbisch lernen: Kako da učiš bolje srpski jezik

[I transcribed Alex Rawlings' "How to learn better Serbian" YouTube video and let Nataša, a native speaker of Serbian, correct the grammar. Here's the result for "Serbisch lernen" reference.]

Zdravo svima! Zovem se Alex i hoć
U danas sa dA vam kažem kako možete na učite bolje srpski jezik u inostranstvu

Ja sam iz Engleske
I nikada nisam živeO u Srbiji, ali bio sam tamo nekoliko puta, ali samo za tri ili četiri dana ali mnogo volim srpski jezik i učim ga pošto hoću da se vratim u Srbiju... Na odmoR

1. Imati srpske prijatelje 

Ako hoće
Š dobro da učiš jezik, treba ti vežba. Moraš da vežbaš malo jezik svaki dan. Ja imam mnogO srpskIH prijatelja koji pomažu mi sa sprskom jezikom i mogu svaki dan da vežbam malo na Fejsbuku ili Skypu (ili kako dan, you don“t need this) ili samo pišemo emails. 

Srpski jezik ima mnogo
slenga, znači tebi treba ta pitaš srpskE prijateljE kako da kažeŠ to, kako da kažeŠ drugo i ovako možeš bolje da učiš kako pričaju u Srbiji.

2. Kupiti dobre knjige 

Nažalost nema mnogo srpski
H knjiga ali možeš nekoliko tako kupiš. Ova knjiga se zove Više od reći i ona je srpska knjiga iz srbije iz od Instituta za StranE JezikE u Beogradu. Ja radim sa ovOM knjigOM pošto mislim da je dobra i ima sve na ćirilici i LATINICI znači možeš dobro da učiš srpski na dobrOm nivoU.

Ova takođe
je dobrA knjiga sa srpski jezik ali je malo velika takođe. Nisam radio  sa ovom knjigom (pošto ne znam zašto, becouse, I don“t know why). 

Ali mnog
i, mnogi su mi rekli da je dobra. Na internetu takođe ima mnogo da čitaš. Ovo je National geographic iz Srbije i jedan drug Richard Simcott mi je kupio ovo u Skopju (mislim, I think)  i ja sam čitao malo National geographic na srpskom da učim bolje

3. Putovati vozom u Srbiji 

Mislim na najbolji savet
da učiš bolje srpski je da ideš u Srbiju i da putuješ u vozu. U Srbiji ljudi pričaju i upoznaju se u vozu i možeš dobro da vežbaš srpski jezik. 

Ja sam bio jedan put
u Srbiji kada nisam dobro razumem srpski jezik, ali putovao sam ceo dan u vozu. Pričao sam sa sa Srbima, oni su mi rekli mnogo o Srbiji, oni su mi pomogli sa srpskim jezikom i posle puta pričao sam bolje na srpskom i ne znam mislim da je odličan savet za tebe ako hoćeš da učiš bolje srpski.

Hvala vama i
svaka čast.


English subtitles

"How to learn better Serbian"
Hello everybody! My name is Alex
and today I want to tell you
how to learn better Serbian abroad.
I'm from England and I have
never lived in Serbia.  
I have been there a few times
but only for three or four days.
I really like Serbian.
I'm learning it because I want to 
go back to Serbia on holiday.

1. "Have Serbian friends"
If you want to learn a language well,
you need practice.
You have to practice it every day.
I have lots of Serbian friends
who helped me with Serbian,
so I can practise a bit every day
on Facebook or Skype,
or we just write emails.
Serbian has a lot of slang
so you have to ask your Serbian friends
how to say this, how to say that,
like that you can learn better how they speak in Serbia.

2. "Buy good books"
Unfortunately there aren't a lot of
books for Serbian
but you can buy some.
This book is called „Vise od Reci“,
this is a Serbian book from Serbia
from the Belgrade Institute for Foreign Languages.
I work with this book
because I think it's good,
it has everything in Cyrillic and Latin
so you can learn Serbian to a good level.
This is also a good book for Serbian
but it's a bit large.
I haven't worked much with this book
because ...
I don't know!
Lots of people have told me it's good.
On the internet there's a lot to read too.
This is National Geographic Serbian.
A friend of mine, Richard Simcott, bought
me this in Skopje,
so I've read a bit of this in Serbian
to learn a bit better!

3. "Travel by train in Serbia"
I think the best tip for learning better Serbian
is to go to Serbia
and travel around by train.
In Serbia people speak on trains
and get to know each other.
You can really practise your Serbian there!
I once went to Serbia when
I didn't understand Serbian well
but I travelled for a whole day on a train.
I spoke to the Serbs.
They told me lots of things about Serbia.
They helped me with my Serbian.
After the journey I spoke better Serbian!
I think this is a great tip
if you want to learn better Serbian!
Thanks and good luck!

Thanks for watching!
Twitter: @Rawlangs_Blog

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

66 Fluency Boosting Phrases for German

Inspired by Olly Richards' list for Spanish. Please feel free to look through it and let me know if there's any mistake. These are aimed at intermediate learners but I think they'll be useful to all who want to practice conversation.

1. Talking About German
1. Über Deutsch reden

#1 I've been learning German for ... (1 year/2 years).
Seit ... (einem Jahr / zwei Jahren) lerne ich Deutsch.

#2 How long have you been learning German?
Wie lange lernst du schon Deutsch?

#3 Pronunciation / Grammar / etc. is the most difficult part for me.
Die Aussprache / Die Grammatik / usw. ist die schwierigste für mich.

#4 How do you say ... in German?
Wie sagt man ... auf Deutsch?

#5 I have forgotten the conjugation for the verb ...
Ich habe die Konjugation des Verbes ... vergessen.

#6 I cannot remember ...
Ich kann mich nicht an ... erinnern.

#7 I prefer to speak only in German, please.
Ich spreche lieber nur auf Deutsch, bitte.

#8 Do you understand what I'm saying?
Verstehst du, was ich sage?

#9 It's difficult for me to understand when you speak very fast.
Es ist schwierig für mich zu verstehen, wenn du sehr schnell sprichst.

#10 I feel like I'm improving every day.
Ich denke/finde/meine/bin der Meinung, dass ich jeden Tag Verbesserung habe.

2. Language Exchanges
2. Sprachaustauch

#11 Can you explain to me how to use the word ... in a sentence?
Kannst du mir erklären, wie benutzt man das Wort ... in einem Satz?

#12 Can you repeat that please?
Kannst du das bitte (noch einmal) wiederholen?

#13 Can you speak a little more slowly please?
Kannst du bitte ein bisschen langsamer sprechen? / Langsamer, bitte?

#14 What does ... mean?
Was bedeutet ...?

#15 Can you write it down / spell it, please?
Kannst du das bitte aufschreiben / buchstabieren?

#16 Can we speak/talk about ...?
Können wir über ... reden?

#17 Can you give me another example?
Kannst du mir ein anderes Beispiel zeigen / geben?

#18 I don't feel comfortable talking about this topic. Can we discuss something else?
Ich bin nicht bequem/angenehm, über dieses Thema zu reden. / Ich möchte nicht über dieses Thema reden. Können wir über etwas anderes reden?

#19 Sorry, I don't understand.
Entschuldige, ich verstehe nicht.

#20 Did I say it correctly? / Does that make sense?
Habe ich es richtig gesagt? / Macht das Sinn?

#21 Can we practice that question / conversation again?
Können wir diese Frage / dieses Gespräch nochmal üben?

#22 Does it make sense?
Macht das Sinn?

#23 What is it about?
Worüber handelt es sich? / Worum geht's?

3. Connecting Phrases
3. Verbindungssätze

#24 Be that as it may.
Trotzdem / Immerhin ... (Nevertheless / Anyway)

#25 I doubt that would happen.
Ich glaube nicht, dass das passieren würde.

#26 So, what happened was ...
Also, was passiert ist, war ...

#27 You don't need to be an expert but ...
Du musst nicht ein Experte / Fachmann sein, aber ...

#28 It only lasts ...
Es dauert nur ...

#29 I forgot to ...
Ich habe ... vergessen.

#30 I'm going to have problems if ...
Ich werde Probleme haben, wenn ...

#31 At the end of the day / In the end, ...
Endlich ...

#32 As soon as possible.
So bald wie möglich.

#33 That's what I thought.
Das ist was ich dachte.

4. Making Conversation
4. Gespräche führen / Sich unterhalten

#34 What type of music do you like?
Was für Musik magst du gern?

#35 How does it sound to you? / How does it seem to you?
Was denkst du daran? / Was hältst du davon? / Wie hat es dir gefallen?

#36 What did you do last weekend?
Was hast du letztes Wochenende gemacht?

#37 Can you help me?
Kannst du mir helfen?

#38 Can you recommend some songs to me?
Kannst du mir einige Songs empfehlen?

#39 What do you like to do in your free time?
Was magst du gern in deiner Freizeit?

#40 What do you do? (What do you work at?)
Was machst du beruflich?

#41 Have you been here / there before?
Warst du schon mal hier / da?

5. Phrases for Responding
5. Sätze für die Beantwortungen

#42 Oh, that's awesome!
Wunderbar / Herrvorragend / Ausgezeichnet / Toll / Super / Geil!

#43 That is all there is to say.
Das ist alles, was man sagen will.

#44 Tell me what you think.
Sag mir, was du denkst / findest / meinst.

#45 I don't care.
Das ist mir Wurst.

#46 Really, is that so?
Ist das so? Wirklich?

#47 Whatever / It's all the same to me.
Das ist mir egal.

#48 No way!
Das geht doch nicht! / Auf keinen Fall!

6. Making Arrangements
6. Verabredungen

#49 I'm in a hurry.
Ich beeile mich. / Ich bin in Eile.

#50 I'm sorry, I'm arriving late.
Entschuldige / Tut mir leid, ich bin zu spät.

#51 I have another engagement / appointment.
Ich habe (schon) einen anderen Termin / eine andere Verabredung.

#52 Today I can't, another day would be better.
Heute kann ich nicht. Ein anderer Tag wäre besser.

#53 Where do you want me to drop you off?
Wo willst du, dass ich dich absetzen / aussteigen lassen / abladen?

#54 What are you going to do today?
Was machst du heute? / Was hast du heute vor?

#55 (At) What time do you have to go?
Um wieviel Uhr musst du gehen?

#56 We're going to go out for a few beers.
Wir gehen aus, Bier zu trinken.

7. Daily Life
7. Alltagsleben

#57 See you!
Auf wiedersehen / wiederhören / wiederschauen!

#58 This weekend was not long enough.
Das Wochenende war zu kurz.

#59 See you later!
Bis später! / Bis bald!

#60 You called the wrong number.
Sie haben sich verwählt.

#61 It's very hot today!
Was für eine Hitze heute!

#62 I had a fun time.
Ich hatte viel Spaß.

#63 How far is it?
Wie weit ist es?

#64 I should have looked more carefully.
Ich hätte das aufpassen sollen.

#65 The balance to pay is ...
Der geschuldete Restbetrag ist ...

#66 I have to apologize.
Ich muss mich entschuldigen.