Friday, May 8, 2009

Allusion: You Gotta Make The Connection

What in the world is allusion?

In plain English, it is a direct or indirect reference to something. That something could be a person, place, thing, event, a book, a movie, or a work of literature. You gotta make the connection by using your own understanding and knowledge if the reference is not directly stated.

How useful is allusion?

In Ancient China, if you directly criticized the emperor or government you'd lose your head. Literally. So those who wanted to criticize the government could only do so through very indirect ways. They'd write a novel with a complicated cast of characters, or create fictionalizations of historical events well known to the population. That's why Chinese literature uses plenty of allusion. Some people say that Journey To The West 西遊記 and Water Margin 水滸傳 were intended to criticize the government of the day.

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