Monday, May 25, 2009

Beef Noodles on a Saturday Night

Past midnight on Saturday I felt hungry and thought of eating something yummy. The friendly neighbourhood pasar malam closes after eleven-thirty, so lok-lok's out of the question. So I jumped into the car and drove down towards Bukit Bintang in search of the famous Ngau Kee beef noodles.

Thought it'd be a smooth journey. Wrong. Straight after hitting the main highway, terus kena operasi polis. The police blocked both directions to check on motorbikes, causing a massive traffic jam. They weren't checking on cars so I got past without hassle.

Downtown, the Edinburgh Interchange and Pudu Jail crossroads had barriers all over and traffic diversions caused Pudu Road to be full of cars at one in the morning. Drove along Imbi Road to the back of Sungai Wang and Low Yat plazas, crossed over to Bukit Bintang Road, passing by Federal Hotel to Tong Shin Heights.

Ngau Kee was still open at a quarter past one. But no parking. No choice but to make one round around to Hicks Street and Alor Road, in the process making the crowd big. As usual the Alor Road hawkers did brisk business, some stalls had closed for the night but those still open did roaring business.

By chance I got a nice parking spot at a block of flats around the corner from Ngau Kee. Parked there, walked to the main stall and tapaued five packs of ngau jaap gon lou min 牛什干捞面. RM5/= per pack. Clear soup style. You get a couple of beef balls, a couple chunks of beef meat and several slices of stomach to go with your soup. Oh yeah they put minced pork with spring onions in black sauce as topping for your gon lou min.

Finished tapauing, drove back almost the same way but decided to take a detour around a hill and two cemeteries. Again, another police roadblock. Looks like they're not giving the bikers anywhere to run. No problem, passed through without hassle.

When driving past the cemetery, a civet cat (in Malay: musang) ran across the road. Wanted to take a snapshot but it ran too fast and clambered over a five foot-high wall into another cemetery. Felt excited since it's rare to find civet cats running around KL.

Never imagined that a straightforward trip to get supper in KL would be so exciting. Well, at least I got home safely.

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