Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Korean & Tamil Corresponding Letters

Korean & Tamil Corresponding Letters

Unaspirated Consonants
k/g ㄱ க்
n ㄴ ந்
d/t ㄷ த்
r/l ㄹ ர்/ல்
m ㅁ ம்
b/p ㅂ ப்
s ㅅ ச்/ஸ்
no sound (front), ng (end) ㅇ ங் (end only)
j ㅈ ஜ் (approximate)

Aspirated Consonants
ch ㅊ ச்/ச்ச்
k ㅋ க்
t ㅌ த்
p ㅍ ப்
h ㅎ ஹ்

Doubled Consonants
kk ㄲ க்க்
tt ㄸ ட்ட்
pp ㅃ ப்ப்
ss ㅆ ஸ்ஸ்
jj ㅉ ஜ்ஜ்

a ㅏ அ
i ㅣ இ
u ㅜ உ
e ㅔ எ
o ㅗ ஒ


ya ㅑ ய
yu ㅠ யு
ye ㅖ யெ
yo ㅛ யொ
ui ㅢ உய்

The following Korean sounds have no Tamil equivalent

ae ㅐ
yae ㅒ
eo ㅓ
yeo ㅕ
oe ㅚ
wae ㅙ
wa ㅘ
wi ㅟ
eu ㅡ
wo ㅝ
we ㅞ

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dou Hip Dou Mou Yung La 道歉都冇用啦


你仲有胆话我"你爱懊恼就懊恼囖,我只要你了解我嘅事情。" 咁都俾你讲得出。你唔值得我嘅了解。你冇资格做我嘅朋友。我冇时间理你。好彩你仲未遇到问题,我系等着你跌到 so that 你会知道太迟啦。

Friday, July 24, 2009

25 样嘢 (Cantonese version of 25 Things)

既然咁多朋友都已经写底佢哋嘅 《25 样嘢》, 咁我就跟着写囖。

01) 我系本地制造嘅鬼佬。思想完全都系用英文嘅。
02) 我中意食印度餐。
03) 我唔识写华语嘅。唔好叫我写任何中文信件。
04) 我都系唔识讲华语嘅。虽然识睇多少唐人字, 但都用广东话嚟读出嚟嘅。
05) 我觉得我国嘅政治越嚟越黐线。
06) 为咗想了解 [印度教权利行动队](HINDRAF)嘅目标,我开始学 [他咪尔] (Tamil)话。
07) 我认为宗教系攞嚟控制人民嘅思想同埋行动。
08) 我觉得猫猫同埋狗狗好可爱嘅。
09) 喺我屋企有八只猫。
10) 我最中意 Kitty 小姐因为佢最黐我。
11) 以前我唔信命运; 过咗一段好辛苦嘅时间,我先信有咁嘅嘢。
12) 有时我好唔想讲话因为觉得讲乜嘢都冇用。
13) 我十五岁先开始想要学睇唐人字。因为想知道人哋嘅唐人名点样翻译去罗马字。
14) 我踹脚车最远系蕉赖保敦到咁邦班丹。
15) 我住喺 [南费城] (South Philly) 嗰阵时,就成日同一位越南华侨阿婶倾偈。佢讲嘅广东话好得意嘅。例如:"有去做?= 有冇返工", "冇嘢做 = 冇工做", "影相 = 照 X 光", "你去呀? = 你走呀?","邮店 = 邮政局", "去做 = 上班", "嗰个嘢 = 嗰个人"。
16) 我有被两个黑人打劫过一次。 好彩冇受伤。
17) 读紧大学嘅时候,我哋学生们中意提起嗰个[巫师俱乐部] (Club Wizzards)。嗰间俱乐部系脱舞吧嚟嘅, 就喺 [亚美丽咖辣椒] (American Chilli's) 餐厅楼下。 好多大学生去嗰度睇靓女跳脱舞同埋杆位舞。一定要戴多啲散纸嚟俾 tips 呀。
18) 对我讲,生活俾我好多美好嘅回忆同埋好多伤心嘅悲事。我只想记得嗰啲好事,7完全忘记嗮嗰啲悲事。
19) 我觉得讲话加难过写字。 写咗嘅字仲有机会改, 但系讲咗嘅话唔可以收返。
20) 我自己俾嘅沙沙舞蹈俱乐部嘅名系: 小哈哇哪 (Little Havana),沙沙哈哇哪 (Salsa Havana),嘺吧/猪扒 (Qba), 巴沙努哇 (Bossa Nova), 六九俱乐部 (Club 69),啊哩亚 (Aliyaa),边疆 (Frontera)
21) 有个人问我究竟乜嘢系[拉丁] (Latin)。 我同佢讲,"拉丁系一个古代语文喺好耐以前嘅罗马帝国时候嗰啲人讲嘅。" 讲咗之後我先知佢问嗰个拉丁其实系个种舞蹈。 哎吔!
22) 我有经历过台北,台中同埋广州嘅沙沙舞蹈现场。嗰度嘅女人多过男人两三倍。
23) 我有去过: 文来,香港,美国,澳洲嘅圣诞岛,新加坡,菲律宾嘅马尼拉, 泰国嘅曼谷同埋普吉,柬埔寨嘅吴哥窟,印尼嘅边丹岛, 台湾嘅台北同埋台中, 中国嘅广州市同埋肇庆市。
24) 我未上过吉隆坡高塔或者吉隆坡双子塔。但系 台北101,世界贸易中心, 帝国大厦, 自由女神像 我就上过囖。
25) 我喺卡啦屋企唱嗰啲歌完全都系背嗮咗嘅。因为我冇可能睇得嗮嗰啲中文歌词。 太快啦。

Nenek Tua's Cantonese and Indon Guy's Cantonese

Once upon a time in the USA I had the opportunity to stay in the same house with a Vietnam-born Chinese grandma (Nenek Tua) and a Chinese guy from Indonesia (Indonesian Cantonese) plus a few others.

It was interesting because all three of us are Cantonese by descent but born outside China, grew up in non-Chinese countries and speak different languages as our main language (me: English, Nenek Tua: Vietnamese, Indonesian Cantonese: Bahasa Indonesia). The only way we could chat with each other was through Cantonese, our only common language, also our ancestral language but spoken only as a second language.

It took me some time to get used to Nenek Tua's Cantonese. Her sentence structure shows heavy Vietnamese influence. e.g. "Yau hui jo? 有去做?" (got go do?) means "yau mo hui jo gung 有冇去做工" (got go work or not?). Bcos in Vietnamese it's "có đi làm"... "làm" means "do" or "work" in Vietnamese. Overlapping meanings... just like "hacer" means "to do" or "to make" in Spanish. Comparing all the languages that I know and am learning, each one has different ways of saying things and little interesting differences in structure and use of words plus overlapping meanings.

When I wanna go out, she'd ask "Nei yau mo hui... 你有冇去..." (you got go or not)... but go where? What she means is "you are going out or not?" which would be "nei yau mo hui kai a 你有冇去街呀?" Nenek Tua's sentences are often hanging... haha... Back to the "yau hui jo 有去做" thingy, the Vietnam Chinese usually say "hui jo 去做" instead of "jo gung 做工" for work, working or to work.

Some words same with Malaysian Cantonese are: lui 铝 (money), jung goo 仲估 (thought/guessed), bai yat 拜一, bai yee 拜二... laai bai 礼拜 (days of the week), hui liu 去辽 (holidaying/traveling), tong yan 唐人 (ethnic Chinese). In Hong Kong, those words would be chin 钱, yee wai 以为, sing kei yat 星期一, sing kei yee 星期二... sing kei yat 星期日, hui fong ga 去放假 / hui lui yau 去旅游, wah yan 华人 /jung gwok yan 中国人. I'm not sure whether Vietnam Cantonese uses "yat bai 一摆, leong bai 两摆" or "yat chi 一次, leong chi 两次". (one time, two times).

Nenek Tua's Cantonese (and what she means):
hui jo 去做 = go work
hui 去 = go out
ji 纸 = paper (any kind of paper... newspaper, toilet paper, normal paper also is referred to by the same word)

At first, when she asked me bout things, I thought.. do what? go where? what paper? Once, I said "sak che 塞车" (traffic jam), she asked whether my car was blocked... hahahaha... Onn Nam Yan 安南人 means ethnic Vietnamese as opposed to Tong Yan 唐人 (ethnic Chinese). gor gor ye 嗰个嘢 (that thing/person) is how she refers to both things and people. I remember saying gor tiu yau 嗰条友 back in Malaysia, but a better way to refer to people is gor gor yan 嗰个人 while gor gor ye 嗰个嘢 is more used for things.

Nenek Tua's English vocabulary:
microwave, computer, heat (this is how she calls both the heater and the kitchen ventilation fan... hehe), car, work, eat, sick, thank you, husband, nephew, my, no, speak, English, Chinese, Vietnamese, hi, bye... Unlike most Chinese who don't speak English, she pronounces R as R and not L because southern Vietnamese has the R sound.

As for Indonesian Cantonese guy, his pronunciation is more like those heong ha wa 乡下话 spoken in some of the Cantonese villages that differ significantly from Standard Cantonese. I can understand him though, it's not as different as my late grandma's (from father's side: marmar 嫲嫲) Sun Wooi Wa 新会话. Indon Cantonese guy uses "wooi 会" instead of "sik 识" or "hiu 晓" if he's referring to knowing how to do something. He also says "hook 哭" instead of "haam 喊" for crying.

How to Say "Please Give Me His Book" in Chinese

There are at least three ways to say "Please give me his book" in Chinese. Depends whether you're talking Mandarin, Cantonese or Classical Chinese.

Mandarin: 请给我他的书 qǐng gěi wǒ tā de shū
It's the same in both spoken and written Mandarin. The Cantonese pronunciation of these words would be "chíng kāp ngó tā dīk syū".

Cantonese: 唔该畀佢本书我 m ̀ gōi béi kéui bún syū ngó
That's how it's said in spoken Cantonese. The formal written version of Cantonese follows exactly the Mandarin grammar and Mandarin vocabulary, but pronounced in Cantonese. However, nobody says "chíng kāp ngó tā dīk syū" in real life. Everyone says "m ̀ gōi béi kéui bún syū ngó in real-life situations.

Classical Chinese: 求尔予我其书
Mandarin pronunciation: qiú ěr yǔ wǒ qí shū
Cantonese pronunciation: kàu yí yú ngó kèi syū
Nobody talks to each other in Classical Chinese anymore. It's only used in ancient literature and quotations from the classics. Since nobody remembers exactly how people pronounced those words 2000 years ago, everyone today uses their own dialect pronunciation when reading Classical Chinese. Ever thought of ordering a pizza in Classical Chinese?

Tamil Revision: Grantha Letters ஜ ஸ்ரீ ஸ ஹ ஷ க்ஷ

In addition to the vowels, consonants and aytam of the Tamil alphabet, there are several additional letters used mainly in writing loanwords from Sanskrit and other languages. These letters are called Grantha letters and aren't considered part of the original Tamil alphabet. Some writers try to avoid using them whenever possible. Even my Tamil dictionary published by Fajar Bakti doesn't have a listing of these letters.

To recap, these letters are ja, Srii, Sa, ha, sha and ksha. ஜ ஸ்ரீ ஸ ஹ ஷ க்ஷ. If a Tamil word has any one of these letters it's most likely a loanword, mainly from Sanskrit but some are from English and Arabic.

Quite a number of common words use Grantha letters, such as janangal ஜனங்கள் (people), juram ஜுரம் (fever), juulai ஜூலை (July), kashtam கஷ்டம் (trouble), varusham வருஷம் (year), rishi ரிஷி (no exact English translation, an approximation would be divine scribe or poet-sage through which the Vedas flowed), kshatriya க்ஷத்ரிய (warrior), nimisham நிமிஷம் (minute as a measure of time), puujai பூஜை (prayer), roojaa ரோஜா (rose), raajaa ராஜா (king), hatiiS ஹதீஸ் (hadith), hindi ஹிந்தி (Hindi), hoottal ஹோட்டல் (hotel), puStakam புஸ்தகம் (book), Staanam ஸ்தான (place, position), jananaayagam ஜனநாயகம் (democracy).

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How Centamil Differs From Koduntamil

Page 172 of Colloquial Tamil by R. E. Asher and E. Annamalai has a dialogue that shows how a speech is in Tamil with English translation. I have compiled the information here in the following order: English, Tamil writing, centamil and koduntamil.

English translation:

A doctor's profession is one of serving people. It's now becoming commercialised. I don't say doctors shouldn't make money. One shouldn't say, I'll give the treatment only if I've been paid.

Now all sorts of new diseases are coming. So much research is being done on them. If we study them, we can get a full understanding of the new diseases; we can make use of the new methods of treatment. For that a doctor must set aside time, must make an effort.

Whatever new treatment there is in any medical system to cure diseases, one must take it up.

Tamil writing in formal centamil:

டாக்டர் தொழில் மக்களுக்கு சேவை செய்கிற தொழில். அது இப்போது வியாபாரமாக ஆகிக்கொண்டிருக்கிறது. டாக்டர் பணம் பண்ண(க்) கூடாது என்று சொல்லவில்லை. பணத்தை எடுத்துவைத்தால்தான் வைத்தியம் பார்ப்பேன் என்று சோல்ல(க்) கூடாது.

இப்போது புது(ப்) புது வியாதி எல்லாம் வருகிறது. அதை(ப்) பற்றி எவ்வளவோ ஆராய்ச்சி நடக்கிறது. அதை(ப்) படித்து தெரிந்துகொண்டால் புது வியாதிகளை முழுதாக புரிந்துகொள்ள முடியும்; புது சிகிச்சை முறைகளை(ப்) பயன்படுத்த முடியும் என்று நினைக்கிறேன். அதற்கு டாக்டர் நேரம் ஒதுக்க வேண்டும்; முயற்சி எடுக்க வேண்டும்.

வியாதியை(க்) குணப்படுத்த எந்த மருத்துவ முறையில் நல்ல வழி இருந்தாலும் அதை எடுத்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும்...

Centamil pronunciation:

daaktar toḻil makkaLukku seevai seykiRa toḻil. adu ippoodu viyaabaaramaaka aagikkoNdirukkiRadu. daaktar paNam paNNa(k) kuudaadu enRu sollavillai. paNattai eduttuvaittaaldaan vaittiyam paarppeen enRu soolla(k) kuudaadu.

ippoodu pudu(p) pudu viyaadi ellaam varukiRadu. adai(p) paRRi evvaLavoo aaraaycci nadakkiRadu. adai(p) padittu terintukoNdaal pudu viyaadigaLai muḻutaaga purindukoLLa mudiyum; pudu sigiccai muRaigaLai(p) payanpadutta mudiyum enRu ninaikkiReen. adaRku daaktar neeram otukka veeNdum; muyaRci edukka veeNdum.

viyaadiyai(k) kuNappadutta enda maruttuva muRaiyil nalla vaḻi irundaalum adai eduttukkoLLa veeNdum...

Koduntamil pronunciation:

daaktar toḻil makkaLukku seeve seyra toḻil. adu ippa viyaabaaramaa aagikitturukku. daaktar paNam paNNa kuudaadu-nnu sollale. paNatte eduttuvaccaadaan vayttiyam paappeen-nu solla kuudaadu.

ippa pudu pudu viyaadi ellaam varudu. ade patti evLavoo aaraaycci nadakkudu. ade padiccu terinjikittaa pudu viyaadigaLe muḻusaa purinjikida mudiyum; pudu sigicce moregaLe payanapadutta mudiyum-nu nenekkireen. adukku daaktar neeram odukkaNum; muyarci edukkaNum.

viyaadiye koNapadutta enda maruttuva morele nalla vaḻi irundaalum ade eduttukidaNum...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Lyrics & Romanization: Hung Yat (Hacken Lee) 紅日 (李克勤)

Translation from

Music video with Chinese lyrics at

Romanization by me

紅日 - hung yat - red day

kuk: laap chyun jeun ji
music: tachikawa toshiyuki

chi: lei hak kan
lyrics: hacken lee

pin: fong syu leung
arranged: kenneth fong

碟: 紅日
dip: hung yat
album: red day

mingwan jausyun din pui lau lei
even if life is crazy

mingwan jausyun kuk jit leikei
and the road is twisted and winding

mingwan jausyun hunghaak jeuk nei jouyan mut cheuimei
if life terrifies you and you no longer feel like living

別流淚 心酸 更不應捨棄
bit lau leui sam syun gang batying sehei
please don't cry, or feel disheartened, don't give up

我願能 一生永遠陪伴你
ngo yun nang yatsaang wingyun puipun nei
I will be by your side forever

一生之中兜兜轉轉 那會看清楚
yatsaang jijung daudau jyunjyun na wui hon chingcho
with the twists and turns of life, how can one see clearly?

pongwong si ngo ya si gwo duk jo yat gok jeung si mut hipjo
I have tried to make it on my own without help

在某年 那幼小的我
joi mau nin na yau siu dik ngo
in those years, when I was young

ditdou gwo geido geido lok leui joi yu ye pong to
I fell so many times, with the tears keeping me company through the rainy nights

yatsaang jijung waanwaan kukkuk ngo ya yiu jau gwo
the path of life so twisted and winding, I have walked it

chung hosi yau nei yau nei pun ngo kap ngo yitlit dei paak wo
when did you start to accompany me on this path, giving me encouragement?

像紅日之火 燃點真的我
jeung hung yat ji fo yin dim jan dik ngo
like the red sun, this fire lights up the real me

結伴行 千山也定能踏過
git pun hang chin saan ya ding nang daap gwo
walking together, we can climb a thousand mountains

讓晚風 輕輕吹過
yeung maan fung hinghing cheui gwo
watching the night wind lightly blowing past

pun sung lok ching yau fa heung jeung si joi jukfuk nei ngo
bringing with it the fragrant scent of flowers, as if bestowing its wishes on us

讓晚星 輕輕閃過
yeung maan sing hinghing sim gwo
watching the night stars shooting by

閃出你每個希冀如浪花 快要沾濕我
sim cheut nei mui go heikei yu longfa faai yiu jim sap ngo
revealing your every wish like waves about to fall on me

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sarakku In Malaysian Tamil சரக்கு

One of the first Tamil words I picked up was "sarakku சரக்கு". It means goods, commodity, or merchandise. It could refer to items in a shop, products being imported, or things being traded.

But only in Malaysia (and Singapore) the meaning has changed. In colloquial speech "sarakku" also means "girl" or "girls" as in "kaaleej sarakku" (college girls) or "anda kilaable romba sarakku irukku" (lots of girls in that club). You could say "Are you trying to hit on some random 'sarakku'?"

Strangely, guys aren't referred to as "sarakku". It's only one way. "sarakku" is strictly for referring to "pomblei" (colloquial pronunciation of "peNpiLLai", the Tamil word for girl). Guys are "amblei" (colloquial pronunciation of "aaNpiLLai").

Tamils from India, Sri Lanka, and outside Malaysia soon learn from the locals this other meaning of "sarakku". But formal writing and speaking still maintain the original meaning of "sarakku", which is goods. So you won't hear a news broadcast or public speech using "sarakku" to refer to girls, and neither will a sentence in a Tamil book, magazine, or newspaper.

Thoughts On Learning To Read Tamil

A little more than a year ago, I decided to learn how to read Tamil. I have now memorised the Tamil alphabet in Tamil alphabetical order. They're the letters ka nga cha/sa nya, da Na ta na, pa ma ya ra la va, ḻa La Ra na, and the Grantha letters ja, Srii, sha, Sa, ha, ksha.

Grantha letters are not considered part of the original Tamil alphabet and some writers try to avoid using them. But they're essential for spelling loanwords from other languages, people's names and place names. If a word contains a Grantha letter, it's a sure indicator that it's not a native Tamil word.

Learning Tamil helps build the understanding of how Indic scripts work. Every consonant letter carries an inherent vowel sound, which is "a". Vowels can appear after, before, or around the consonant letter. Vowels have their own independent symbols when written as standalone letters. To silence the inherent consonant, a "puLLi" (dot) is written above the consonant letter.

After comparing the Tamil writing system to other Indic scripts such as Devanagari, Malayalam, Gurmukhi, Thai, Tibetan, Burmese and Cambodian, I can say that Tamil is the most simple of them all. There are far fewer complex conjunct consonant glyphs. Tamil has the least number of letters. Tamil doesn't have different letters to indicate aspirated and unaspirated consonants. Instead, Tamil relies on grammar rules to differentiate them.

Knowing how to read Tamil doesn't mean that I can speak Tamil. It's just like someone with zero knowledge of English who studied the Roman alphabet from A to Z and can now read English but doesn't know the meaning of the words. Vocabulary acquisition is a totally different story, and it's often a long, long journey.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Jung Sik Hing Yau 重色轻友
