Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another Case Of Unappreciative Rubbish

For now I shall give you the benefit of the doubt. For now.

I don't know what made you behave in such a way towards me. As far as I know, I have not done anything wrong to you, or treated you in an arrogant manner. 我冇做过对你唔住嘅嘢。我都冇(门+能)屎(门+能)样咁样对你。 I might be nonchalant about people's idiosyncrasies, but I do not and will not accept bad treatment towards me.

Perhaps I have no "lei yung ga jik 利用价值" for you. Perhaps someone close to you has poisoned your mind against me, controlled your life movements, or taken action on your behalf with or without your knowledge to put distance between me and you. Perhaps you just have no wish to associate yourself with me in any way for whatever or no reason. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

Anyway, who am I to tell you what to do and what not to do? If you let others make this choice for you, I feel sorry for you for letting yourself be influenced by those with dubious intentions and your failure to protect those whom you should cherish. If you made this choice, it's your loss, but you won't feel it because your sense of appreciation is flawed.

I doubt you'd be bothered to know what I think, most probably you don't care anyway. But if you become like this:

all's well and hunky-dory on your side, I'm invisible. When things don't work out and you need someone, you search high and low for me."

you can forget about finding me because I will have no time for you and your problems. Why? Because of the way you treated me, that's why. I've got better things to do than serve as a solution provider for unappreciative rubbish.

At the moment I'm writing this, you still have a chance to redeem yourself, but the window of opportunity won't be open for long. Hence my opening sentence: "For now I shall give you the benefit of the doubt. For now."

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