Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 2009: To Date

I've not been writing much due to being kept busy with work and other activities. So much to do, that's good, can't complain. As long as I'm productively occupied.

Some people write an end-of-year e-mail or posting to talk about things that happened throughout the year. Guess I should, there's so much to write about, but I'll only cover some aspects considered write-able. I'll write event by event, not necessarily in chronological order as it takes less time to write.

Went on more road trips and a few local travel destinations, such as Tioman Island, Cameron Highlands, Ipoh, Bentong, and Tanjung Sepat. Haven't been to Penang this year, although I made trips there in 2007 and 2008. Genting was in 2008 if I recall correctly. I enjoyed all these trips, saw new places and made new acquaintances.

Started an exercise routine after Raya to stay healthy and do something positive for myself. Age is catching up and I have to do something to keep cholesterol levels low. At the same time, exercise and workout provide a healthy way to deal with accumulated stress.

Re-established contact with a few old friends that I knew from many years ago but lost touch for a long time. So glad to know that they're doing well in life, at least we can share the joy and happiness.

Lost a friend. It's sad when this happens, especially when the relations of friendship have been established for a long time, but friendship can't be forced. 咁样嘅事发生真系好可惜。尤其是嗰个嘢唔识做人。唔识珍惜自己嘅朋友,虽然佢孤寒我冇咁介意但系佢当我唔喺呢度喎。Summary is, a clear-cut case of 重色轻友。我以後唔会帮佢联络因为呢啲咁样嘅人只系有问题先会嚟搵我,冇问题就唔睬我。

Maintained a sense of optimism even in the not-so-good of times. It's not an easy task, but still doable. Not easy to break the cycle of sadness but it must be done for your own sake. I've seen a lot of people getting so depressed, sad, angry, worked over issues that are petty if viewed from a wider angle. How I wish they wouldn't let such things trouble them, but then again, who am I to say anything about others?

Restarted dance classes after an absence of three and a half years. Enrolled in Havana Estudio ongoing Bachata class, it's very interesting and different material covered every week. I find it pretty interesting and in-depth, although at most I can only absorb about half of what's being taught. Oh well, at least I get some benefit out of classes.

Took more photos of cute doggies and kitties. Yeah this sounds trivial or nonsense to some, but I think kitties and doggies are cute too, even stray ones. If only I could talk to them and find out their opinions. Some friends of mine can communicate with them, I don't know how but they just do it. Interesting.

That's about it for now.

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