Sunday, January 3, 2010

Notes from Port Dickson: New Year's Day

Dateline: 10:35 am, 1 January 2010
Subject: New Year's Day

I wake up to a cooling morning that got warmer as the hours advanced towards midday. About ten and a half hours ago, I found out about a trip to Malacca, which I decided to hop on to. It coincides precisely with my desire to reccee the place for a future road trip, be it a day trip or 2D1N.

So I shall drive to Malacca after checking out from the holiday apartment in Port Dickson. Most probably I'll take the coastal road, Federal Route 5 to Lubok China and Masjid Tanah to reach Malacca town.

It has been a totally relaxing holiday retreat so far. Swam, ate, drank, socialized with great companionship. I feel I'm getting my life back to where it should be. Can't wait to get back to gym though. These three months of constant exercise have shown results, though not exceptionally spectacular yet it indeed is substantial. Can see and feel the difference compared to those days. My only regret is not starting 10 years ago. Age is catching up and I've to stay healthy, more so as I love to eat seafood especially prawns and crabs.

In Malacca I'll get myself familiarized with the streets and directions. I expect a lot of tourists in town due to the long weekend in Malaysia and Singapore. It will be jammed in the top tourist areas. Better fill up my petrol tank to the max in Port Dickson.


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