Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ting Ji Tiu Mou 停止跳舞

Since the middle of January 我已经停止跳舞。只系个一晚喺舞蹈室举办嘅 party 先有跳几场舞。果然冇嗮心嚟跳舞。 Granted I enjoyed the moments at the party, each and every one of them, but that doesn't mean that outings will be just as great.

到而家我仲未再去参加啲舞蹈活动。拜三拜五拜六嗰啲舞会我觉得冇趣。仲有几日就过年啦,之後就去中国湖南省旅行。返到嚟就月尾 so looks like 唔使去跳舞 for the rest of the month. 人哋觉得好有趣好 enjoy 嘅话, good for them, I'm glad they have fun and hope they continue to keep their interest going.

有人问我几时会出场?我嘅答案,唔知道几时,睇点先。 When I find back my 心 for 跳舞 I shall return. As long as 嗰个满意得唔到我唔爱去,因为挫败,尤其是阿哩也每次我去都系一样咁唔满意嘅。 Oh well. Just my opinion based on my experience. Others may differ, but they're not me, and they experience different things so that's their opinion based on what's applicable to them.

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