Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Twenty-Secondth of December Twenty Ten

Time has come to the year-end duo of Christmas and New Year. One year ago, I rekindled a long subdued interest in photography. I felt optimistic about the upcoming new year.

But now I feel that this year has been nothing to shout about. Can't say it's been good, but can't say it's that bad either. Stress levels increased a lot. Some things didn't work out. A lot of disappointments on many issues and people.

Realized that some people are monsters in disguise. It's getting harder to filter out the genuine from the fake because the accomplished manipulators do it so naturally that you won't realize it until it's too late.

Talking about the good things, travelling has been great, went to places I never expected to go and re-visited some locations under a different state of mind. Exercise workout has been more or less the same, could be better if I did more than just maintenance.

Perhaps all that has happened this year is meant to be a lesson, a rehearsal, a preview for me to do better in the future. Not easy to be optimistic after going through all these, have to sort the gems from the chaff.

In summary, I'll end this post with a quote from someone known for statements that make a whole lot of sense. "When you're diagnosed with a critical illness, everything else becomes secondary." Gotta keep that in mind when faced with stressful issues.

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