Thursday, October 20, 2011

Random Thoughts on Visiting Singapore

If there's something I like about visiting Singapore, it's the mall experience. When daytime temperatures shoot up into the 30s (Celsius) and the sun's rays beat down harshly, just do what the locals do - escape indoors or underground.

Personally I'm a fan of bookstores and can spend hours browsing through their collections. Ever since young reading has been a pleasurable activity. It's just me.

Get an EZ-Link stored value card for use on their MRT and buses. You'll get a discount for each trip, very worth it when you add up all your journeys. Beats me why some people prefer to pay for per trip tickets every time when it costs more.

It's very hard to get lost in Singapore. All buses eventually end up at one of the numerous interchanges located near MRT stations and from there you can continue your journey to other parts of the island. You can even take the MRT to the airport.

The only downside for me is of course the currency exchange rate. If you earn a living in Malaysia, no matter what Singapore is expensive. If you earn a living from somewhere where the rates are better, Singapore is about the same as any developed nation with strong buying power.

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