Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last Day of 2011 / 2011最後一日

Today's the last day of 2011 and in less than six hours the new year 2012 shall begin. There goes another solar cycle to be replaced by another. Yet I'm not in a very celebratory mood, for the past two years 2010 and 2011 have not given me great reason to celebrate. Still can't achieve that happy optimistic feeling at Port Dickson on the last day of 2009.

Certain circles and activities don't appeal to me as much as they did before. Perhaps the time is overdue to move on to other more productive, rewarding, fulfilling tasks. Indeed it's a Sisyphean task to get that thing called achievement.

Those who care might have noticed I hardly talk these days. True, but a lot of things are better left unsaid, for saying it brings no benefit to anyone, and might even complicate matters.

Anyway, wishing whoever comes across this posting a Happy New Year 2012 and Happy Holidays wherever you are! See you next year.

今日係2011年最後一日,仲有少過六個鐘頭就係公曆嘅新年2012。 咁就過咗一個太陽活動週期。只不過我唔係好想出去慶祝呢個大日子,點解呢?前兩年2010&2011冇俾到我一個好理由點解要慶祝。到而家仲未能夠得到2009最後一日嘅興奮,真係冇嗰個樂觀嘅感覺。




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