Tuesday, July 23, 2013

You don't understand because you didn't listen (Tak faham kerana tak dengar)

(Written on June 20, 2013)

A lot of people don't bother to listen. That's why they can't learn. Dahlah sendiri tak faham, lagi mau lagak pandai. Masa I jelaskan, dia tak peduli. Entah apa dia buat waktu kelas. Patutlah tak tau. Tetiba pulak tuduh I tak ajar, padahal sendiri tak buat ulangkaji apa yang telah diajar. Ataupun dia sendiri tak hadir masa I ajar. Sila lihat cermin sebelum menuding jari.

Memorizing versus Understanding

(Written on June 20, 2013)

Some are good at memorizing sentences. Unfortunately they memorized blindly without understanding. So when I ask a question, they answer using a well-rehearsed sentence, not knowing that they are not answering my question at all. Knowing words isn't enough. You need to know how to make your own sentences according to the situation.

Yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran

(Written on June 5, 2013)

Malay proverb: "Yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran." It means you can't get what you are pursuing, meanwhile you lose what you have. Sad to see this happen due to one's rashness.

When You Say Nothing At All (Ronan Keating version) for learning English pronunciation

(Written on May 31, 2013)

A very soothing song, good for those learning English. Clear and proper pronunciation, meaningful lyrics, simple sentences, modal verbs, and predominant use of the present tense.

"When You Say Nothing At All"

If you want to improve your language speaking skills, you must speak!

(Written on May 25, 2013)

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you want to improve your command of the language, you must speak it! Otherwise what's the point of learning? You can study as much as you want, but unless you use the language with others, what you learn will be "here today, gone tomorrow".

So you really want to improve? Start speaking now! Don't give yourself excuses such as "I'm not good enough," "I'm not sure about the sentence structure," "I don't know many words," "I need to study more first," etc.

I say, "Don't wait till you're fluent! Don't wait till you've memorized all the grammar rules you worry about! Just use whatever little you know. Otherwise you'll never start speaking. You can't escape making mistakes but they won't kill you!" Mistakes are inevitable. There's no shortcut.

If you don't speak, you'll never improve your speaking skills. Fine if you just want to read only, but why limit yourself?

And for those who are taking oral exams, please don't give one or two-word answers. Try to elaborate when you answer. How can the examiner give you high marks if you don't say much?

Do I need to translate all of the above into whatever language?

Healing Takes Time

(Written on March 30, 2013)

Healing takes time. It could be days, weeks, months or years. Most important is that it's complete. There will be setbacks, there will be flashbacks. In the darkest moments emerges the temptation to end it all. The key to survive this stage is to seek help from a reliable source. 好返需要時間。要幾耐就唔定嘅:唔知幾多日,禮拜,月,年。最緊要係好返曬。行呢條路一定有阻礙,有閃回。喺最慘嗰陣時會覺得好想離開呢個世界。要克服呢個困難,搵到信得過嘅人好重要。