Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Healing Takes Time

(Written on March 30, 2013)

Healing takes time. It could be days, weeks, months or years. Most important is that it's complete. There will be setbacks, there will be flashbacks. In the darkest moments emerges the temptation to end it all. The key to survive this stage is to seek help from a reliable source. 好返需要時間。要幾耐就唔定嘅:唔知幾多日,禮拜,月,年。最緊要係好返曬。行呢條路一定有阻礙,有閃回。喺最慘嗰陣時會覺得好想離開呢個世界。要克服呢個困難,搵到信得過嘅人好重要。

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