Friday, May 29, 2009

Nam Pang Yau (Boyfriend) 男朋友 by Louis Koo 古天乐: Lyrics & Translation

This song brings back memories of a time long past. It's all water under the bridge now. Most of it has faded, washed away by the river of oblivion. I've compiled the lyrics, translation and music video for your karaoke practice.

Music Video:

Lyrics Source:

English Translation based on the following source:
(Note: I've made some additions and alterations to the English translation in this posting of mine)

《 男朋友 》男朋友
作詞:林夕 作曲:伍樂成

<<>> Boyfriend
Lyrics: Lam Chik
Music: Ng Lok Sing

為著舊愛 正在結疤
令任何人 遺留任何牽掛

wai jeuk gau ngoi jingjoi git ba
joi ya batgam do gong cho wa
ling yamho yan wai lau yamho hin gwa

The wounds are still trying to heal from my last relationship
I don't want to say more wrong words
that will upset anyone

寂寞令我 滿臉雪花
尤其是你 這樣愛他

jikmok ling ngo mun min syut fa
lin ching gam dou han seung fong ha
yaukeisi nei jeyeung ngoi ta

Loneliness fills my face with snowflakes
Tempting me to to let go of any love I feel
Especially you, who loves him such

回答我可不可以暫時讓我 講出感覺後
才直說你有男朋友 現在就要走

wuidaap ngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo gongcheut gamgok hau
choi jik syut nei yau nampangyau yinjoi jau yiu jau

Answer me, can you temporarily let me say out how I feel?
And then you can tell me that you have a boyfriend, that you have to leave now

回答我可不可以暫時讓我 牽牽手
牽一牽你手 我便甜蜜夠

wuidaapngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo hinhin sau
ngo mong seung dik bat wui yau
hin yat hin nei sau ngo bin tim mat gau

Answer me, can you let me hold your hand for a little while
My wishful thinking won't happen
To hold your hand, it will be sweet enough for me

實在是我 太沒眼光
為任何人 遺留任何感覺

satjoi si ngo taai mut ngan gong
joi ya batgam jyu duo kei mong
wai yamho yan wai lau yamho gamgok

Actually it's my gross lack of foresight
I don't want to have too many expectations anymore
I don't want to leave anyone with any kind of feelings

實在沒法 努力說謊
然而為你 我願意講

satjoi mutfaat nolik syut fong
ngoi ngo ho yatsaang dou faailok
yinyi wai nei ngo yunyi gong

Actually there's no way, to strive to lie
Loving me will bring a lifetime of happiness
For you, I'm willing to say it

回答我可不可以暫時讓我 講出感覺後
才直說你有男朋友 現在就要走

wuidaap ngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo gongcheut gamgok hau
choi jik syut nei yau nampangyau yinjoi jau yiu jau

Answer me, can you temporarily let me say out how I feel?
And then you can tell me that you have a boyfriend, that you have to leave now

回答我可不可以暫時讓我 牽牽手
牽一牽你手 我便甜蜜夠

wuidaapngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo hinhin sau
ngo mong seung dik bat wui yau
hin yat hin nei sau ngo bin tim mat gau

Answer me, can you let me hold your hand for a little while
My wishful thinking won't happen
To hold your hand, it will be sweet enough for me

回答我可不可以暫時讓我講出 感覺後
才直說你有男朋友 現在就要走

wuidaap ngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo gongcheut gamgok hau
choi jik syut nei yau nampangyau yinjoi jau yiu jau

Answer me, can you temporarily let me say out how I feel?
And then you can tell me that you have a boyfriend, that you have to leave now

回答我可不可以暫時讓我 牽牽手
握不到永久 我便甜蜜夠

wuidaapngo hobathoyi jaamsi yeung ngo hinhin sau
ngo mong seung dik bat wui yau
ak batdou winggau ngo bin tim mat gau

Answer me, can you let me hold your hand for a little while
My wishful thinking won't happen
Although I can't grasp it forever, it will be sweet enough for me

Monday, May 25, 2009

Beef Noodles on a Saturday Night

Past midnight on Saturday I felt hungry and thought of eating something yummy. The friendly neighbourhood pasar malam closes after eleven-thirty, so lok-lok's out of the question. So I jumped into the car and drove down towards Bukit Bintang in search of the famous Ngau Kee beef noodles.

Thought it'd be a smooth journey. Wrong. Straight after hitting the main highway, terus kena operasi polis. The police blocked both directions to check on motorbikes, causing a massive traffic jam. They weren't checking on cars so I got past without hassle.

Downtown, the Edinburgh Interchange and Pudu Jail crossroads had barriers all over and traffic diversions caused Pudu Road to be full of cars at one in the morning. Drove along Imbi Road to the back of Sungai Wang and Low Yat plazas, crossed over to Bukit Bintang Road, passing by Federal Hotel to Tong Shin Heights.

Ngau Kee was still open at a quarter past one. But no parking. No choice but to make one round around to Hicks Street and Alor Road, in the process making the crowd big. As usual the Alor Road hawkers did brisk business, some stalls had closed for the night but those still open did roaring business.

By chance I got a nice parking spot at a block of flats around the corner from Ngau Kee. Parked there, walked to the main stall and tapaued five packs of ngau jaap gon lou min 牛什干捞面. RM5/= per pack. Clear soup style. You get a couple of beef balls, a couple chunks of beef meat and several slices of stomach to go with your soup. Oh yeah they put minced pork with spring onions in black sauce as topping for your gon lou min.

Finished tapauing, drove back almost the same way but decided to take a detour around a hill and two cemeteries. Again, another police roadblock. Looks like they're not giving the bikers anywhere to run. No problem, passed through without hassle.

When driving past the cemetery, a civet cat (in Malay: musang) ran across the road. Wanted to take a snapshot but it ran too fast and clambered over a five foot-high wall into another cemetery. Felt excited since it's rare to find civet cats running around KL.

Never imagined that a straightforward trip to get supper in KL would be so exciting. Well, at least I got home safely.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Six Words For Stupid: 蠢笨傻戆愚钝

In Cantonese there are six words for stupid. Each has a slightly different shade of meaning.

蠢 [cheun]
Stupid. Can also refer to worms wriggling.
Example: 蠢才 [cheunchoy], literally "stupid talent / talent for stupidity / stupid one".

笨 [ban]
Stupid. Can also mean foolish, dull, or awkward.
Example: 笨蛋 [bandaan (Cantonese); bendan (Mandarin)], literally "stupid egg". More often used in Mandarin than Cantonese.

傻 [so]
Silly. Also carries the meaning of stupid, foolish, or imbecile.
Example: 傻婆 [sopo], literally "silly old woman".

戆 [ngong] stupid, simple-minded
Stupid. Can also mean simple-minded in the negative sense.
Example: 戆居, 戆戆居居 [ngonggeui, ngongngong geuigeui], which means "stupid". Also used in Hokkien where 戆 is pronounced [gong].

愚 [yu]
Foolish, stupid, or doltish.
Example: 愚公移山 [yugong yisaan], a four-character idiom directly translated as "foolish old man moves mountain", but the actual meaning is "persistence overcomes mountainous obstacles". As with all these Chinese idioms you have to know the story behind to get the actual meaning, because these idioms make no sense when directly translated.

钝 [deun]
By itself, it means blunt, or dull as in a worn blade of a knife. It can also mean dimwit, dim-witted or retarded.
Example: 迟钝 [chideun], which means "retarded". Can be used for mentally retarded or developmentally retarded.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Salsa Congress Beach Party 沙沙大会海滩舞会 Parti Pantai Kongres Salsa ஸல்ஸ காங்கிரஸ் பீச்சு விழா

Now this has nothing to do with the Congress Party of India (INC), the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC), or the United States Congress ("Congress"). It's about the Malaysia World Salsa Congress Beach Party event at Sunway Lagoon on the evening of Saturday, 2 May 2009.

Ticket says 7pm so I arrived around 7:15pm and found out that I was too early. Apparently the sound system and stage setup could only begin after the last daytime customer of Sunway Lagoon has left the place. Water park closes at 6pm, people need to shower and change clothes so it's usually around 6:45pm when the last customer leaves. That being the case, methinks that 8:30pm would be a more accurate time to print on the ticket, allowing an hour and a half for setup.

Anyway we were allowed in at 7:45pm, and there was still a little twilight before the sky darkened completely. Sunway Lagoon's normally closed at night save for special events like this one, so I took the opportunity to experience the nighttime atmosphere in a man-made resort setting.

Lepaked around, chatted with friends and acquaintances, got a primer on the locker system from a friendly Sunway staff and walked the length of the Surf Beach. Checked out the pergolas, giant trampoline and waterfront pavilions.

Thought of taking a dip in the water, cos the air felt so hot and humid, but swimming wasn't allowed cos there's no lifeguard at night and no one wants to get tangled up with liability issues. Nevermind lah, can still wet our feet in the shallow section where sand meets tile and water.

Sand and salsa dance aren't the best of friends. Your dance shoes' suede soles will die faster from the abrasive effects of sand. Sand will scratch the wooden floorboards and spoil them in no time, plus make the floor dangerous for high-powered stunts. That's why the organisers had dedicated sweepers to clear the stage after every performance. Thumbs up to the cleaning crew for ensuring safety!

For the party people, there was a makeshift wooden platform raised several inches above the sand. Of course sand kept getting on it. It sloped a little but having a platform's better than nothing. At least the performance stage was level despite the sloping ground below.

After what seemed like an eternity, the show started. The emcee Jamie Jesus did an excellent job of getting everyone into the party mood, you can learn a lot from watching how he speaks. Some warm-ups, bringing on the cheer and giving encouragement to the performers who worked very hard and practised wholeheartedly for showtime.

Time passed so fast when the performances came up one by one. Impressive, power-packed, great performances! I can't recall the exact sequence of performances now, but rest assured that I truly enjoyed each and every one of them.

After all the performances concluded, 'twas supposed to be party time with live band, live music. But, the party pooper just had to happen. Potong stim when the music went dead like a blackout struck the system dumb. There were police and enforcement officers from the local authorities in the midst of talking to the organisers.

What happened? 究竟乜嘢事发生呀? Apa dah jadi ni? என்ன ஆச்சு?

Apparently there were some unresolved issues with the local authorities. No idea what those issues were. As time passed by it became apparent that the party's over. No more. 收档啦。 Dah tutup kedai dah. எல்லாம் இல்லை. There ain't gonna be any dancing tonight. Not that there was any announcement or pengumuman along the lines of "Para hadirin sekalian, harap maklum, majlis ini telah dibatalkan, semua boleh bersurai sekarang, terima kasih," we sorta kinda figured that out ourselves.

For an hour or so after the music died, everybody just lepaked around in groups of friends, chatting and lingering before dispersing. Haiya, buat apa tunggu lagi, tak boleh buat apa-apa, balik rumah saja lah. Oh well. At least we got to see the performances and enjoy lepaking at the beach at night. But kesian those who came late or bought tickets at the door.

Fortunately, those who bought tickets specifically for the beach party were compensated by free entry to the Sunday night party. At least I was fortunate enough to be notified, but seems that not everyone got the message.

Verdict: Was wokay but could have been better. Communication, communication, communication!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Salsa In The City 市内沙沙 Salsa Di Bandaraya ஊரில் ஸல்ஸ

One fine evening I went to this event, which was touted to be some kinda grand salsa event in a club environment. Or so it seems. So I went to Quattro for their so-called "Salsa" event yesterday. Free flow of beer before 10pm sure drew quite a lot of people.

The main events happened at the Autumn Room which was super crowded with a number of dance people and an overwhelming majority of non-dancers. Wasn't as "dance-friendly" as many of the dance people expected. Limited floor space and the type of music played didn't make things better, although there were some salsas and bachatas interspersed with samba and chachaton before 11pm. After that the music became neither salsa nor latin. (Hint to dancers: Time to chow.)

Granted, they had a live Latino band performing but they were at the Spring Room, a different section not directly connected to the Autumn Room. As for special stuff, there were a few performances - Jaxen & Mavis (salsa), Norman & Evelyn (bachata), Jaxen & Cecilia (zouk) and also some Tequila Pop drinking competitions.

In my opinion, dance kaki wouldn't feel drawn to go there again based on yesterday's experience. In fact some left early to go to Club 9 and the Six Lounge where they could dance salsa on a Tuesday night.

How To Use The Different Types of "A" (Ah!) in Cantonese

I typed "a" into CantoInput and it gave me the following results. As I often get confused which "a" to use at the end of a sentence (especially 呀, 吖, and 啊), I compiled the following for my study notes.

呀 Yale a1, a3, a6
1. particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis
2. slurred form of the number ten (Cantonese)

吖 Yale a1
1. used in translation

啊 Yale a1, a2, a3
1. exclamatory particle

阿 Yale a3, o1 (pronounced as "a3" as in 阿祖 a3 jou2, pronounced as "o1" as in 阿弥陀佛 o1 mei4 to4 fat6)
1. prefix for people’s names
2. used in transliteration for /a/

亚 Yale a3, nga3
1. Asia
2. second

鸦 Yale a1 (also pronounced nga1 as in 乌鸦 wu1 nga1)
1. crow

哑 Yale a1, a2 (also pronounced nga2)
1. dumb, mute
2. become hoarse

丫 Yale a1 (also pronounced nga1 as in 丫叉 nga1 cha1)
1. forked
2. bifurcation

扼 Yale a1, ak1
1. grasp, clutch
2. choke, strangle

嗄 Yale a2, sa3
1. hoarse of voice

氩 Yale a3
1. argon

娅 Yale a3
1. mutual term of address used by sons-in-law
2. a brother-in-law

锕 Yale a1
1. actinium

錏 Yale a3
1. soft steel
2. ammonium

掗 Yale a3
1. take
2. hold
3. give forcefully

厂 Yale a1, hon3, chong2 (pronounced chong2 when referring to factory, plant, workshop, mill)
1. radical 27
2. factory, plant, workshop, mill

厊 Yale a2
(can't find the meaning yet)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

avaNNa kooyil romba kuuttam அவண்ண கோயில் ரொம்ப கூட்டம்

neeTRu raatiri aruLmigu Srii avaNNa kooyil romba kuuttam. romba baktiyar! nuuRu iruvadu reNdu peesu irundum. aattam paattu peNpiLLai aaNpiLLai elloorum irukkum.

நேற்று ராதிரி அருள்மிகு ஸ்ரீ அவண்ண கோயில் ரொம்ப கூட்டம். ரொம்ப பக்தியர்! நூறு இருவடு ரெண்டு பேசு இருந்தும். ஆட்டம் பாட்டு பெண்பிள்ளை ஆண்பிள்ளை எல்லோரும் இருக்கும்.

Friday, May 15, 2009

How To Write A Cheque The Right Way

(Information sourced from a Maybank information sheet pasted on top of a cheque deposit machine)

To ensure cheques deposited by you are processed speedily without encountering any problems, please be guided by the following do's and don'ts.


: Write clearly and legibly on the cheque deposit slip
: Write the full set of account numbers on the cheque deposit slip:
- Bank Account Number should be 12 digits
- Amex Credit Card Account should be 15 digits
- Visa/Master Credit Card Account should be 16 digits
: Write the full name of the account holder on the cheque deposit slip
: Add up the total amount of the cheques if you deposit more than one cheque
: Write the credit card numbers and the respective amounts to be settled separately, when one cheque is deposited to settle payment for more than one credit card
: Deposit a cheque issued to joint Payees into the joint banking account of the same names
: Write complete details of the transaction description and reference number, if any


: Do not write the ATM Card Number or Savings Passbook Number or IC Number as the account number on the cheque deposit slip
: Do not deposit post-dated cheques
: Do not deposit a cheque where the Payee's name is written as "CASH" when the cheque is crossed "Account Payee"
: Do not deposit third-party cheques where Payee's name on the cheque differ from registered name of banking account
: Do not deposit a cheque payable to a company into a banking account registered in a personal name
: Do not deposit a cheque with incomplete Payee name
For example : Payee's name on the cheque was written as Kee Tat.
This cheque should not be deposited into the banking account called Kee Tat Enterprise
: Do not deposit a cheque when date or amount in words/figures or signature is missing
: Do not deposit a cheque where there is alteration

Sample of a correctly filled in Cheque Deposit Slip

1. Contact Number
2. Customer Name
3. Full Set of Customer's Account Number
4. Cheque Deposited & Amount
5. Total Amount
6. Complete details of Transaction Description, if any
7. Complete details of Reference Number, if any

Sample of Deposit Cheque with Complete Details

1. Payee's Name Matches Registered Name of Banking Account
2. Should Not Be Post-Dated
3. Amount In Words Tally with Amount in Figures
4. Cheque Should Be Signed
5. Cheque Number

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ten Ways To Avoid Seeing Ghosts 防见鬼十法

Sourced from an online forum.

防见鬼十法 (Ten Ways To Avoid Seeing Ghosts)

   在面相学上,司空乃发光之处,若额前留“荫”遮及司空位,等于弄熄这盏明灯,霉气、衰气便会缠住你不放,灵 体鬼怪也容易接近你,故司空位的头发最好剪碎或拨开。
(1, don't let your hair over your forehead i.e don't look like the beatles)

   夜晚外出,有两大忌,一忌穿黑衣,皆因黑黑沉沉的颜色,鬼怪灵体最喜欢依附在此。二忌穿红衣,红色对于恶鬼 来说,属标奇立异的颜色,容易惹起注意,爱出夜街的男女要谨记。
(2, Dont wear black or red at midnight) add ons: When on the streets at night.

   “小鬼”、“衰鬼”、“鬼理你”、“这么鬼麻烦啊”是不少人的口头禅。记住,这类说话不宜多说,因发音磁场 可能会触及鬼怪。如果你常把“鬼”字挂口边,实在要戒。
(3, don't mention "ghost" frequently)

   很多家居间隔都有长走廊,长走廊经常不见阳光,造成阴盛阳衰的局面,是鬼怪灵异最爱藏匿之处,所以若家中有 长走廊,记得装一盏长明灯增强阳气,免得鬼怪停留不走。
(4, don't walk in dark or poorly lit alley)

   登山远足是不错的假日消闲活动,但由于高地湿气重,加上很多动物死后,尸体腐化于此,无形中强化了负面磁场 。不想见到“脏东西”,不妨佩戴一些玉器饰物,借此增强个人的正面磁场。
(5, Mountains are often laden with dead animals so the ying is strong. Advisable to wear jade etc when climbing mountains)

   年轻人爱寻求刺激,喜欢大伙儿玩碟仙、笔仙,从而预知未来事。事实上,如此直接与灵体接触、沟通,日常很容 易会感应到“它们”的存在。尤其发觉近排印堂发黑气者,这类玩意更是大忌。
(6, Don't play saucer)

   殡仪馆是先人出殡的地方,兼且弥漫哀伤气氛,故负面磁场旺盛。家住殡仪馆附近的朋友,建议在窗外挂一块八卦 。当中的八个卦数代表正气,正气十足,自然不怕邪气入屋,住近殡仪馆都不怕。
(7, funeral parlour likely to attract ghost, so advisable to place 8 diagram if your house are near to such places)

   若需要经常出入医院探病,事前不妨往拜神,求个心安理得。若然探望的病人是你的亲戚,拜祭家神特别奏效;而 倘若病人是朋友而非亲戚,则可以到一般庙上香祈求神明庇佑。
(8, Have some prayers before hospital visitations)

   去旅行住酒店,不少人都说尾房不宜住。这的确有根有据,皆因尾房通常日照不足,有欠阳气,而灵体最喜欢流连 此类阴暗之地,所以如果住酒店被分配尾房,不妨换房。
(9, When checking into hotels, advisable not to choose the last stretch of room due to lack of sunlight)

   至于酒店房间的门牌号码也需留意,在风水学上,“二”及“五”均属灵性的数字,故酒店房间尾数不宜有“二” 或“五”,不然容易引起灵怪注意,时运低者便可能和“它们”撞个正着。
(10, according to fengshui, 2 & 5 belong to spiritual numbers, avoid taking room numbers with 2 or 5)


Their Hearts Have Ghosts: Sam Jung Yau Gwai 心中有鬼 Hati Mereka Ada Hantu

"Hati mereka ada hantu," said the despised Hee Yit Foong in Bahasa at a press conference recently.

Now that's a literal translation from the Chinese idiom 心中有鬼 (Mandarin: xīn zhōng yǒu guǐ; Cantonese: sam jung yau gwai). In English, it means "to have bad intentions". Directly translated it comes out as "their hearts have ghosts".

What a joke. This Hee fella better get hold of a mirror and gaze into it herself. Tee hee hee. Ha ha ha.

May 13, 2009: 40 Years On

Today is May 13. I hope that the evil-doers responsible for causing the deaths of innocent people 40 years ago have paid a terrible price for their despicable deeds. If they're not dead yet, they better die in pain, loneliness and prolonged agony. If they escaped paying their dues in this life, they must suffer in the hereafter or their next life. Karma.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Malaysian Mainstream Media (Malay Language)

Utusan Malaysia = Utusan Melayau / Utusan Meloya
Berita Harian = Berita Hairan
TV3 = TV 3 Suku (pronunciation: TV Tiga Suku)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

HINDRAF THALAIVARGAL இண்ட்ராப் தலைவர்கள் iNdraap thalaivargaL

Waytha Moorthy (in London இலண்டன் ilaNdan )
வேதமூர்த்தி veethamuurtthi

In Malaysia:

Uthayakumar உதயகுமார் uthayakumaar

Vasantha Kumar வசந்தகுமார் vasanthakumaar

Manoharan மனோகரன் manooHaran

Kengadharan கங்காதரன் ganggaadharan

Ganabatirau கணபதிராவ் gaNabatiraav (Telugu)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Allusion: You Gotta Make The Connection

What in the world is allusion?

In plain English, it is a direct or indirect reference to something. That something could be a person, place, thing, event, a book, a movie, or a work of literature. You gotta make the connection by using your own understanding and knowledge if the reference is not directly stated.

How useful is allusion?

In Ancient China, if you directly criticized the emperor or government you'd lose your head. Literally. So those who wanted to criticize the government could only do so through very indirect ways. They'd write a novel with a complicated cast of characters, or create fictionalizations of historical events well known to the population. That's why Chinese literature uses plenty of allusion. Some people say that Journey To The West 西遊記 and Water Margin 水滸傳 were intended to criticize the government of the day.

Peeyi பேய் Power, Pisaasu பிசாசு & Kaavalbhutam காவல்பூதம் In Full Force

So the peeyi பேய் triumphed yesterday, backed up by the full force of pisaasu பிசாசு and kaavalbhutam காவல்பூதம். Sad.

They've got the power.
They've intimidated the people.
They've twisted and turned words to suit their objectives.
They've got no hesitation to crush anyone who stands in their way.

They use fear, intimidation and everything else in the book or outside the book to get their way.

Fear is the easiest emotion to induce in human beings, and oppresive regimes have used it to great effect for thousands of years.

We need an exorcist. Really. Otherwise the evil peeyi, pisaasu and kaavalbhutam shall continue to haunt us for a long time to come.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Multilingual Malaysian Salsa

Malaysia World Salsa Congress
Kongres Salsa Malaysia Sedunia
马来西亚世界沙沙大会 (Mandarin: malaixiya shasha dahui, Cantonese: maloisaia sasa daaiwui)
மலேசியா உலகம் ஸல்ஸ காங்கிரஸ் (maleesiyaa ulagam SalSa kaanggiraS)

Malaysian Salsa Festival
Pesta Salsa Malaysia
马来西亚沙沙节 (Mandarin: malaixiya shasha jie, Cantonese: maloisaia sasa jit)
மலேசியா ஸல்ஸ விழா (maleesiyaa SalSa viaa)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tamil Comedy தமிழ் காமிடி: Senthil, Goundamani, Vadivelu and Vivek

Four famous Tamil comedy actors are Senthil, Goundamani, Vadivelu and Vivek. Thanks to Ramesh for introducing me to these comedians.

Senthil and Goundamani often act as a pair, something like Laurel and Hardy. They've been around since the early 1980s, making many people laugh with their comic antics and funny dialogues (in Tamil, of course).

Vadivelu comedies are more of action and slapstick. Even if you don't understand Tamil you'll laugh when watching his video clips. Poor Vadivelu always seems to get into trouble with baddies bashing him up at every corner.

Vivek's comedy relies a lot on wordplay, situations and dialogue. You really need to understand Tamil to catch the jokes and comedy in his videos. Satire's the keyword.

In Malaysia you can catch them on Siri Siri Tamil Comedy if you have Astro.

Sunway Lagoon Locker System

For your information, Sunway Lagoon has two types of lockers for storing your stuff. One is the electronic PIN locker at RM15/= per day and the manual key locker at RM5/= per use.

You feed cash into the electronic PIN locker console (exact amount only, no change given) while the manual key locker takes tokens which you can get from an exchange machine. It's pretty straightforward to use the manual key locker so I won't elaborate here.

I'll talk about the electronic PIN locker instead. Its console works like an ATM. After making payment, you choose a locker (preferably within sight of the console) by entering its two-digit number, e.g. 01. Press ENTER to confirm.

Next, you need to select a 6-digit PIN. Make sure you memorize it well because you won't be writing down anything on paper while getting wet at Sunway Lagoon, right? Enter the PIN, confirm it by re-entering it and press ENTER.

Now that you've got your PIN, you can open and close your locker as many times as you want throughout the day. Just make sure you press ENTER to confirm that you will be continuing to use the locker when the machine asks you whether you want to continue or not. It's just like those hotel safes with electronic number locks.

By the way, one locker measures about 1x1x2 feet, or the equivalent of a slanted laptop bag or one small clothes bag. Hope this info is useful.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Di Pintu Mahligai (At the Palace Door)

Music Video:

Title: Di Pintu Mahligai (At the Palace Door)
Kumpulan: Iklim (lead singer Saleem)

Di dalam kesunyian
Kurasa gelombangnya
Menyintaimu satu kewajipan
Tapi tak terluah dengan perkataan

(In the middle of silence
I feel waves surrounding me
For me to love you is an obligation
But until now I haven't said the magic words)

Tika fajar menyinsing
Kusentuh sinar kasih
Dari matamu dekat dan terasing
Aku menanti singkapan tabir cinta
Aku menanti saat menjadi nyata

(Sunrise comes and breaks the dawn
Rays of love I touch with care
Near and far away from your gentle eyes
I wait for the curtains of love to open up
I wait for the seconds to become reality)

( 3 )
Kesunyian ini terlalu indah
Walaupun pahit untuk menelan
Walaupun pedih sanggupku tahan
Dan kurelakannya

(This silence is oh so beautiful
Although too bitter to be swallowed
Even though it hurts I still endure pain
I endure willingly)

Puteri di pintu mahligai
Kulihat kasihmu melambai
Walaupun jauh tapi jelas
Jiwaku menyentuh jiwamu

(Princess at the palace door
I see you waving to me with love
Far away but it is so clear
That your soul already touches mine)

Puteri di pintu mahligai
Nyatakan segala impian
Sambutlah tangan sambutlah
Semoga terlepas segala siksaan

(Princess at the palace door
Tell me all about your greatest dreams
Take my hand, take my hand
We shall be free from all the suffering)

( ulang dari 3 ) ( repeat from 3)

Dengan sayap impian
Ingin terbang ke sana
Membawa cinta sebesar dunia
Apa jua milikku dan kutahu
Hanya untukmu

(With the wings of dreams to be
Wishing to fly over there
Carrying a love as great as the world
That which is mine and I already know for sure
Only for you)

Of Pleasure and Pain

"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."
"There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."

The standard Lorem Ipsum passage, used since the 1500s

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

Section 1.10.32 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC

"Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?"

1914 translation by H. Rackham

"But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?"

Section 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum", written by Cicero in 45 BC

"At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat."

1914 translation by H. Rackham

"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."
