Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Twenty-Secondth of December Twenty Ten

Time has come to the year-end duo of Christmas and New Year. One year ago, I rekindled a long subdued interest in photography. I felt optimistic about the upcoming new year.

But now I feel that this year has been nothing to shout about. Can't say it's been good, but can't say it's that bad either. Stress levels increased a lot. Some things didn't work out. A lot of disappointments on many issues and people.

Realized that some people are monsters in disguise. It's getting harder to filter out the genuine from the fake because the accomplished manipulators do it so naturally that you won't realize it until it's too late.

Talking about the good things, travelling has been great, went to places I never expected to go and re-visited some locations under a different state of mind. Exercise workout has been more or less the same, could be better if I did more than just maintenance.

Perhaps all that has happened this year is meant to be a lesson, a rehearsal, a preview for me to do better in the future. Not easy to be optimistic after going through all these, have to sort the gems from the chaff.

In summary, I'll end this post with a quote from someone known for statements that make a whole lot of sense. "When you're diagnosed with a critical illness, everything else becomes secondary." Gotta keep that in mind when faced with stressful issues.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Eleventh of November Twenty Ten

Gosh I just realised for the whole month of October I didn't post any blog entries. So here's one for the month of November, and the date's 11/11/2010 hence the title.

I've been taking as many photos as possible with the EOS 350D, now using the EF 28-135mm f3.5-5.6 zoom lens after months of using only the EF 50mm f/1.8 II.The Speedlite 430 EX has been great for flash photography, and there's so much that can be done by bouncing flash from available surfaces.

Since I'm doing mainly flash photography indoors of people and events, I use manual mode for shutter speed and aperture. For outdoor photography without flash, aperture priority saves a lot of time. I use autofocus mode all the time, with the centre point and focus lock as the main aids. Am getting familiar with the three main settings of shutter speed, aperture, and ISO to suit different conditions.

Still the hardest part in photography is not only the composition, but also the "artistic" side of it. It's the one where the Photomalaysia kakis talk about what makes a photo different from a snapshot. A very subjective thing that supersedes even a technically sound picture, whatever that thing is. Can I do it?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Update, 29 September 2010

Yet another month has gone by in the cycle of a moon. Last month it was Hungry Ghosts' Festival, this month it was Mid Autumn Festival a.k.a. Mooncake Festival. The hectic pace endures, the unexpected happens, the expected doesn't. I'd say things have been good from an overall perspective, and I'm glad to be able to count my blessings.

Been taking a lot of photos with the Canon EOS 350D using a Canon EF 50mm 1:1.8 II prime lens and Canon Speedlite 430EX. Mostly portraits and half to three quarter body photos due to the circumstances (indoor salsa dance events and dance-related parties). Main reason is to get myself familiarized with the triangle relationship of ISO, shutter speed, and aperture. At the same time it forces me to learn about bouncing flash off surfaces and estimating all the variables.

Took some outdoor photos with a volunteer model at Taman Tun park and Desa Parkcity Waterfront. Enough reasonable shots to feel satisfied, though I feel I could have done better. Attempted some outdoor stuff in manual mode at Port Dickson, obtained mixed results.

Had the opportunity to travel to Singapore, and felt amazed at the level of cleanliness, organization, and so much more about the little city-state. That would merit a post by itself, so I'll stop here. Also got to go to Port Dickson for a weekend getaway with friends, a much welcome retreat from the stress and pressure of KL life. Felt recharged after that. Need another vacation :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Update, 29 August 2010

In the blink of an eye it's now the end of August. The past week and a half had been a hectic one, took some time to settle stuff, now taking a breather before the next round of rushing. It will happen soon. Am taking advantage of the long weekend to do some housework and other things at home.

Opportunities do not come by very often. When it comes, it's just there for a brief moment and you better be in a position to catch it before it's gone forever. Preparation, anticipation, timing.

Human relations need not be complicated but reality does not always make things easy. No matter how much I strive for simplicity, there will be times when complicated situations will be encountered. Just have to learn to deal with it.

Looking back at the past half year I'm glad to have gotten plenty of travel opportunities, and if all goes well there's a couple more in the pipeline before year-end. Some places I wanted to go I didn't manage to go, but other places popped up unexpectedly and so far they have been pleasant.

If there's one thing that I'm really happy about in the past one year, it's gymming. That's so far the main positive thing that happened. A better toned body, stronger arms, longer endurance. Healthy habits and exercise routine do make a lot of difference. Just have to keep going at it, at least to maintain what I've achieved. Starting was painful and tiring but after a month or two my body got used to it.

Yet I feel a tinge of sadness at times. The loss of two friendships, though it can be mitigated due to the premise that those two never really considered me a friend the way I considered them a friend. One did not know how to appreciate me and the other only wanted to use me. Call me sentimental, call me straightforward, but I consider friendship a serious matter. Unappreciative users and cunning manipulators need not apply.

To me, if the person doesn't know how to appreciate me, I'd keep a distance. Don't get involved whether romantically or otherwise. And I'd repeat what I read in a book some years ago: "People like to help but hate being used." Though I can't remember the book title, it's the meaning of that sentence that matters.

I really cannot understand why a person would screw up a friendship just to save money on some things. Is it worth doing so? Either that person has a warped, distorted view of friendship or I was merely a person to be used in the first place, and that means that person never considered me a friend all this while. Perhaps some things I can't comprehend because my mind is not as devious as theirs. You do not inconvenience your friend for the sake of your own convenience unless you have no conscience or a warped sense of ethics.

Nor can I comprehend why a person would become so blind and unable to appreciate someone who genuinely cared. Only to realize the mistake when it's too late, but the damage has been done, and I never forget what people did to me. Just too bad that you lost me, you just have to find another person because you are nothing but a stranger to me now.

Not everyone can be a friend, and fewer are those with potential to be a life partner. One friend is too few, one enemy is too many. Whether we like it or not we have to strive for harmony in our dealings with other people, as what we say or do is going to come back to us sooner or later.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Doggy Tales: Sights

Monday morning: Saw a pair of sweet doggies - one white with brown patches and another brown one with black muzzle trying to cross the road at BU12. I recognize the white one with brown patches, she stays in the forest clearing nearby. Further down the street at the 90 degree right turn, noticed a small white doggy with floppy ears, looks like a female who gave birth to puppies not long ago.

Monday evening: 4th Mile Old Klang Road near the Old Tin Hau Temple. Two dogs walked on the other side of the road near the temple against the traffic. One white one and one brown one. The brown one walked in a funny way. I scrutinized him, and my heart sank, he had only 3 legs. Without a right front leg he had to hop along as a tripod dog :(

Main road of OUG-Yarl Garden passing by the hill slope where the Chinese school is. The spot where a few pickup trucks sell roast duck, roast pork, and BBQ pork. The mixed Dalmatian female and two other doggies gathered around one of the trucks for dinner. Lucky doggies. They roam the residential area searching for shelter every time it rains.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Doggy Tales: Committment

I always tell my friends who want to keep a dog this: "Be prepared to sign a 15-year contract." Yes, it's true. When you choose to keep a dog, you have to give him (or her) a good life. Dog's life expectancy is 15 years, so if you get a puppy it'll grow up into a doggy and he's yours for life. Can you commit yourself to such a major commitment?

Your doggy will become your boss at home, your schedule will revolve around him, you will do many things for him - clean up the shit, take him to the vet, feed him, bathe him, walk him, and much more. You have to plan your holidays accordingly. You have to look at your living space - landed property or apartment? Indoor or outdoor dog?

If you want a pedigree dog, are you prepared for high maintenance? They got to go for haircuts, pedicure and the whole lot of periodic necessary upkeep.

A sample routine for someone's dog: Feed three times a day. Walk twice a day. Search for ticks daily. Bathe once a week - warm water only, do not bleach, use hairdryer to blow dry. Give treats to see a short performance.

You'll also need to learn how to read doggy language. Can you understand what your doggy's trying to tell you? It's more than bow wow woof woof. Their eyes, body posture, facial expression etc. convey messages to us. Even though doggies can't speak human language, they understand human communication to a certain extent. Any dog lover would concur with this. I believe the social nature of dogs has helped them blend well into human society, at least with those who love doggies.

Doggy Tales: Attachment

Some doggies cannot be separated from their owners. Otherwise, they'll exhibit weird behavior such as going on hunger strike, hiding from everyone, or incessant barking. There's no way they'll survive more than a night in a pet hotel without going crazy. Must find someone to take care of them on a full-time basis. Even then, the doggy may show strong signs that he/she misses his/her owner.

Update, 23 July 2010

Been too busy to update my public blog since mid-June. Lots of work to do, and work takes priority over other matters. Gym's been good. Am currently on maintenance mode. Three to four times a week keeps the achievements the way they're supposed to be.

Salsa in KL still continues at the default hotspots. I don't have the time to dance as often as in the past. Perhaps once a fortnight I go out, and what little I know is still enough for simple social stuff. Zouk's entering the scene with a bunch of enthusiasts. It may well be the next social dance to complement salsa the way bachata has.

The more I take photos the more I realize I need to improve. When I look back at photos taken in the past few years, I gasp. If only I had the knowledge I have now. It's like life, when I reminisce on events of a decade ago, I wish I had today's mind in my then body and stayed clear of all the yun wong lou 冤枉路。What's past is past, cannot be changed, but we still can influence our future to a certain extent.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lyrics & Translation: Đừng Xa Em Đêm Nay by Thảo My

This Vietnamese song was quite popular around the year 2000. It brings back quite a number of memories for me. Here are the lyrics and English translation for your karaoke pleasure.

Music Video:

Lyrics Source:

Translation Source:

Song Title: Đừng Xa Em Đêm Nay (Don't Leave Me Tonight)
Artiste: Thảo My
Written by: Đức Huy

Lyrics & English Translation:

Đừng xa em đêm nay khi bóng trăng qua hàng cây
Don’t leave me tonight when the moon passes the trees
Đừng xa em đêm nay đêm rất dài
Don’t leave me tonight, night’s too long
Vòng tay em cô đơn đêm khuya vắng nghe buồn hơn
In my lonely arms, night is dark and forlorn
Còn tim em khát khao yêu thương.
My heart thirsts for your love

Đừng xa em đêm nay hãy nói anh sẽ ở đây
Don’t leave me tonight, please say that you will stay
Đừng để em một mình nơi chốn này
Don’t leave me alone in this place
Hãy ôm em trong tay cho em biết anh cần em
Hold me in your arms so I know you need me
Và hãy nói anh vẫn yêu em.
Say, you always love me!


Giọt nước mắt nào đổ trong bóng tối
A tear drop falls into darkness
Khi nằm lắng nghe tiếng đêm, lắng nghe tiếng đêm
When I lay, listen to darkness, listen in darkness
Nghe nhịp đập con tim ru em giấc ngủ yên.
Hear the beats of my heart lull me my good sleep
Đời em vắng lạnh và anh đã đến như ngọn nến
My life is empty, you came as candles
Trong bóng đêm, nến trong bóng đêm soi vào tim
In darkness, candles in darkness brighten up my heart
Nghe xao xuyến đã ngủ quên.
Bitterness fell asleep

Đừng xa em đêm nay khu phố quen đã ngủ say
Don’t leave me tonight, my street is asleep
Đừng xa em đêm nay đêm rất dài
Don’t leave me tonight, night’s too long
Hãy yêu em đêm nay cho quên hết đi ngày mai
Please love me tonight, to forget tomorrow
Đừng xa em, đừng xa em đêm nay.
Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me tonight.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cantonese Joke: Ah Por Gong Wa Jau Yam 阿婆讲话走音 (Mature Audiences Only)

First in a series of 阿婆讲话走音 Ah Por Gong Wa Jau Yam jokes.

This clearly illustrates the pitfalls of not pronouncing Cantonese with the correct tones. Every word you say must be correct in tone and sound, otherwise the meaning changes dramatically as you can see from this Granny Speaks Out Of Tone joke.

chungchin yau yatgo jyu hai hoibin dik apo, yau yat yat keui gindou leunggo yan tiu hoi, keui heui gau jo keijung yatgo yan, yi ling yatgo gau mdou. gam keui jau da 999 bou ging. dinwa yattung,
Earlier there was a Granny staying near the seaside, one day she saw two people jumping into the sea, she went and saved one but couldn't save the other. So she called 999 to make a police report. When the phone call went through,

popo jau man: wai! hai m hai gau gau gau a? (popo seung man hai m hai 999)
Granny asks: Hello! Is this dick dick dick? (Granny wants to ask "Is this 999")
go chaailou jau daap: mat lan ye gau gau gau a?
The policeman answers: What the cock is dick dick dick?
popo jau wa lak: yau yan diu "high" a! (yau yan tiu hoi)
Granny says: Someone's fucking cunt! (Someone jumped into the sea)
go chaailou jau gong: yan dei diu hai gwaan nei lan si a?
The policeman says: What the heck does other people fucking got to do with you?
popo yau wa: yatgo yau gau, yatgo mou gau a! (yatgo yau gau, yat go mou gau)
Granny then says: One's got a dick, the other doesn't! (One saved, one not saved)
chaailou jau daap keui: diu hai dongyin yiu yatgo yau gau, yatgo mou gau ga la!!!
The policeman then answers: Fucking cunt of course means one's got a dick and the other doesn't!
popo jau gong: mou gau dik giu dak hou daai seng a.
Granny then says: The one with no dick screamed very loudly.
chaailou yau daap keui: giu chong a ma, jou dou nei me! apo, nei jichin sik lan jo matye?
The policeman then replies: Lovemaking sounds, does it bother you? Granny, what the hell did you eat earlier?


Vadivelu Tamil Comedy: Tar Road Joke

Tamil Comedy: Vadivelu Tamil Joke - Tar Road

மீண்டும் வடிவேலு, பார்த்திபன்..
miiNdum vadiveelu, paarththiban..

“பார்த்தி.. இது என்ன ரோடுப்பா?”
"paarththi.. idhu enna rooduppaa?"
“தார் ரோடு”
"thaar roodu"

“ம்க்க்ஹும்.. இந்த ரோடு எங்க போகுதுன்னு கேட்டேன்?”
"mkkhum.. inda roodu engga pooguthunnu keetteen?"
“எங்கேயும் போகலை.. இங்க தான் இருக்கு”
"engeeyum poogalai.. ingga thaan irukku"

“ம்ம்… சரி.. நான் தெளிவா கேக்கிறேன். இந்த ரோடு எந்த ஊர்களுக்கு நடுவுல இருக்கு?”
"mm... sari.. naan theLivaa keekkiReen. inda roodu enda uurgaLukku naduvula irukku?"
“உள்ளூருக்கும் வெளியூருக்கும் நடுவுல இருக்கு.”
"uurLuurukkum veLiyuurukkum naduvula irukku."

“ப்ப்ச்ச்… இந்த தார் ரோட்டுக்குன்னு ஒரு பேரு வச்சிருப்பாய்ங்கல்ல.. அதச் சொல்லுயா..”
"ppss... inda thaar roottukkunnu oru peeru vachchiruppaaynggalla.. adhas solluyaa.."
“அப்படித் தெளிவா கேளு.. அப்போதானே கரெக்டாச் சொல்ல முடியும்…”
"appadit theLivaa keeLu.. appoothaanee karektaas solla mudiyum..."

“அதத் தானே தெளிவா மொதல்லருந்து கேட்டுக்கிட்டு இருக்கேன்.”
"adhat thaanee theLivaa mothallarundu keettukkittu irukkeen."
“என்ன கேட்டே?”
"enna keettee?"

“இது என்ன ரோடு?”
"idhu enna roodu?"
"இது தார் ரோடு."
"idhu thaar roodu."

பா எத்தணை வகைப்படும்? அவையாவைன்னு சொல்லு?
paa eththaNai vagaippadum? avaiyaavainnu sollu?

ஐந்து வகைப்படும் சார் அவை ஆசிரியப்பா, கலிப்பா, வெண்பா, வஞ்சிப்பா, படையப்பா.
ainthu vagaippadum saar avai aasiriyappaa, kalippaa, vanjippaa, padaiyappaa.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Lyrics, Romanization & Translation: Marry Me Today (Jin Tian Ni Yao Jia Gei Wo) 今天你要嫁给我

Wedding Song: Marry Me Today (Jin Tian Ni Yao Jia Gei Wo)

This song is dedicated to all my friends who are going to get married. Very beautiful and meaningful lyrics, nice to listen to even for those who aren't familiar with Mandarin. English translation provided line by line. Adjust the words a bit and you could attempt an English version :)

Music Video:

Marry Me Today (Jin Tian Ni Yao Jia Gei Wo) sung by David Tao and Jolin Tsai
今天你要嫁给我 (蔡依琳 - 陶喆)

chūn nuǎn de huā kāi dàizǒu dōngtiān de gǎn shāng
春 暖 的 花 开 带走 冬天 的 感伤
Flowers blossoming in spring takes away the winter's pain

wēifēng chuī lái làngmàn de qìxī
微风 吹 来 浪漫 的 气息
A light wind blows a breath of romance

měiyī shǒu qíngē hūrán chōngmǎn yìyì
每一 首 情歌 忽然 充满 意义
Every love song suddenly is filled with meaning

wó jiù zài cǐkè tūrán jiàn dào nǐ
我 就 在 此刻 突然 见 到 你
At this point you suddenly appear before me

Jolin ->
chūn nuǎn de huā xiāng dàizǒu dōngtiān de jī hán
春 暖 的 花 香 带走 冬天 的 饥 寒
Flowers blossoming in spring takes away the bitter cold of the winter

wēifēng chuī lái yìwài de àiqíng
微风 吹 来 意外 的 爱情
A light breeze blows unexpected love [our way]

niǎo ér de gāo gē lā jìn wǒmen jùlí
鸟 儿 的 高 歌 拉 近 我们 距离
Birdsong draws us closer to each other

wǒ jiù zài cǐkè tūrán àishàng nǐ
我 就 在 此刻 突然 爱上 你
At this point I suddenly fall in love with you

tīng wǒ shuō
听 我 说
Listen to me

shǒuqiānshǒu gēn wǒ yīqǐ zǒu
手牵手 跟 我 一起 走
[Let's] hold hands, walk together with me

chuàngzào xìngfú de shēnghuó
创造 幸福 的 生活
and create a happy life [together]

zuótiān nǐ láibùjí
昨天 你 来不及
Yesterday you did not arrive on time

míngtiān jiù huì kěxī
明天 就 会 可惜
it would be a shame tomorrow

jīntiān jià gěi wǒ hǎo ma
今天 嫁 给 我 好 吗
so will you marry me today?

RAP ->
Jolin in the house
D.T. in the house
Jolin in the house
D.T. in the house (Come on)
Jolin in the house
D.T. in the house
Our love in the house (Sweet sweet love)

xià rì de rèqíng dǎdòng chūntiān de lǎnsǎn
夏 日 的 热情 打动 春天 的 懒散
Summer's kindness shifts spring's idleness

yáng guāng zhàoyào měimǎn de jiātíng
阳光 照耀 美满 的 家庭
Sunshine illuminates the beauty of the family

měiyī shǒu qíngē dōu huì gōu qǐ huíyì
每一 首 情歌 都 会 勾 起 回忆
Every love song will bring up memories

xiǎng dàngnián wǒ shì zěnme rènshi nǐ
想 当年 我 是 怎么 认识 你
[I] think about how I met you that year

Jolin ->
dōngtiān de yōushāng jiéshù qiūtiān de gūdān
冬天 的 忧伤 结束 秋天 的 孤单
Grief in winter finishes autumn's loneliness

wēifēng chuī lái kǔ lè de sīniàn
微风 吹 来 苦 乐 的 思念 (I'm missin'you)
The breeze blows by withered yearning (I'm missin' you)

niǎo ér de gāo gē chàng zhe búyào biélí
鸟 儿 的 高 歌 唱 着 不要 别离
The birdsong makes me not want to leave

cǐ kè wǒ duōme xiǎngyào yōngbào nǐ
此刻 我 多么 想要 拥抱 你
I immediately desire your hug

tīng wǒ shuō
听 我 说
Listen to me

shǒuqiānshǒu gēn wǒ yīqǐ zǒu
手牵手 跟 我 一起 走
[Let's] hold hands, walk together with me

guo zhe anding de shēnghuó
過 著 安定 的 生活
and live a peaceful life

zuótiān nǐ láibùjí
昨天 你 来不及
Yesterday you did not arrive on time

míngtiān jiù huì kěxī
明天 就 会 可惜
it would be a shame tomorrow

jīntiān nǐ yào jià gěi wǒ
今天 妳 要 嫁 給 我
so you shall marry me today

tīng wǒ shuō
听 我 说
Listen to me

shǒuqiānshǒu wǒmen yīqǐ zǒu
手牽手 我們 一起 走
[Let's] hold hands and walk together

ba nǐ yīsheng jiao gei wǒ
把 妳 一生 交 給 我
surrender yourself completely to me

zuótiān búyào huitou
昨天 不要 回頭
Don't look back [to yesterday]

míngtiān yào dào baishou
明天 要 到 白首
we'll grow old [in the years to come]

jīntiān nǐ yào jià gěi wǒ
今天 妳 要 嫁 給 我
marry me today

RAP ->
Hey hey, uh uh

Ding dong

tīng zhe lǐtáng de zhōngshēng
听 着 礼堂 的 钟声
listening to the church bells ring

wǒmen zài shàngdì he qīnyǒu miànqián jiànzhèng
我们 在 上帝 和 亲友 面前 见证
God and our friends will all be here to witness us [get married]

zhè duì nán nǚ shēng jiùyào jié wèi fūqī
这 对 男 女 生 就要 结 为 夫妻
This man and woman shall now get married as husband and wife

búyào wàng le zhè yīqiè shì duōme de shénshèng
不要 忘 了 这 一切 是 多么 的 神圣
Do not forget just how sacred [marriage] is

nǐ yuànyì shēngsǐ kǔ lè yǒngyuǎn hé tā zài yīqǐ
你 愿意 生死 苦 乐 永远 和 她 在 一起
You will for better for worse be with her together

àixī tā zūnzhòng tā ānwèi tā bǎohù zhe tā
爱惜 她 尊重 她 安慰 她 保护 着 她
Love her, respect her, comfort her and protect her

liǎng rén tóngshí jiànlì qǐ měimǎn de jiātíng
两 人 同时 建立 起 美满 的 家庭
A couple together creates a happy family

nǐ yuànyì zhèyàng zuò ma? Yes I do
你 愿意 这样 做 吗? Yes I do
Are you willing to do this? Yes I do

tīng wǒ shuō
听 我 说
Listen to me

shǒuqiānshǒu yīlu dào jintou
手牽手 一路 到 盡頭
[Let's] hold hands together to the end

ba nǐ yīsheng jiao gei wǒ
把 妳 一生 交 給 我
surrender yourself completely to me

zuótiān yi shi guoqu
昨天 已 是 過去
Yesterday was the past

míngtiān gengduo huíyì
明天 更多 回憶
tomorrow will be full of memories

jīntiān nǐ yào jià gěi wǒ
今天 妳 要 嫁 給 我
marry me today

jīntiān nǐ yào jià gěi wǒ, jīntiān nǐ yào jià gěi wǒ, ...
今天 妳 要 嫁 給 我, 今天 妳 要 嫁 給 我, ...
marry me today, marry me today, ...

Mandarin lyrics with hanyu pinyin romanization and English notes when you move your mouse cursor over the lyrics. It also shows you which Chinese words are one on their own or combinations of two or more characters. However, some lines have been left out.
English translations of the song lyrics.
Traditional Chinese version of the lyrics.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Grandpa Appeared In My Dream

This morning my late 公公 appeared in my dream. In the dream sequence, I sat in his bedroom lit by the morning light, and he said to me in Cantonese, 《记得洗头发呀。》 He seemed happy and relaxed. Today, Sunday, 9 May 2010 is the 49th day since he passed away.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Random Thoughts about my India Trip

Weather: Hot and humid in Cochin. Hot and dry in Bangalore with cool nights. Hot, dry, and sunny in Goa. I went during the first week of April 2010, and April's the hottest month in these parts.

Food: Vegetarian everywhere. Food is classified as veg (green dot) or non-veg (red dot). Have to eat from hygienic places and drink only bottled water. Don't try the groundwater, it'll make you sick. Impossible to get good Chinese food. Possible to get some nice Western and Indian fusion foods. Pork and beef available in Goa. One and only pork shop along MG Road in Bangalore. Missed the Fenny, a unique hard liquor made from the soft part of the cashew fruit, which is available only in Goa.

Language: Malayalam in Cochin. Kannada in Bangalore. Konkani in Goa. Other than these main ones, you could try Tamil in Cochin, Hindi or Telugu in Bangalore, and Marathi or Hindi in Goa. Can get by with English for most tourist purposes. English fluency much better than China, but with a very strong Indian accent.

Cities: Bangalore's big. Goa is somewhat like Malacca, lots of villages and small towns but no big cities. From what I heard about Cochin, it's much cleaner, well-organized and friendly compared to the other two.

People: Malayali people in Cochin, they belong to many faiths - Hinduism, Islam, Catholicism, St,. Thomas Christians, other Christians, Judaism. Kannadigas predominate in Bangalore, but there are some Tamil and Marathi people there too. Konkani people in Goa, but lots of Marathis, as well as people from other states. Quite a number of Northeast Indians and Tibetans who could pass for Chinese or vice versa.

Tourists: In Goa, from all over India. Foreigners mainly Russians, with some British, Germans and perhaps a few Americans. In Bangalore, didn't see many foreigners despite the city being an international IT city. Not sure about Cochin because I didn't go anywhere other than the airport.

Scenery: Ranges from breathtaking to horrifying. Beautiful mountains, lovely beaches, vibrant alleys. Rubbish piles, dusty roadsides, broken earth. You'll see everything, and I mean everything from nicely-built bungalows to ramshackle hovels. Lots of stray doggies, but they're usually big-sized and look well-fed.

What else:

Don't bank on peaceful sleep if you're near any road. People honk all the time, just like in China, perhaps even worse.

Traffic's horrifyingly chaotic. Don't even think of crossing the road in peace and safety. Best thing to do, follow what the local Indians do and you'll be relatively allright.

If you're a foreigner, prepare to be charged higher prices than the locals for shopping, transportation, etc. Must know what's the market price for, say, a ride from downtown Bangalore to the Forum Mall or J. P. Nagar, then you can negotiate with the auto (pronounced "aato") rickshaw drivers. If you're lucky you'll meet an honest aato driver, so remember to tip him for his honesty.

People in the travel industry such as drivers, tour guides, porters, etc. depend on us for their living, so do remember to tip appropriately.

The dust will get into your nose and lungs. It's everywhere during the dry season. Can't avoid it unless you wear a face mask all the time. Unlike China, nobody wears face masks outdoors. So if you've got sinus, asthma or respiratory problems, you might want to think twice before coming.

Get a GPS. Trust me on this, it really helps. If not, buy a detailed map of the location you're in and use your inbuilt sense of direction. Otherwise, refer back to the GPS.

Try not to look too much like a foreigner if possible. Yes, I know it's easier said than done.

Get a local Indian SIM card for your mobile phone. It will make communication smoother for everybody. You'll need a photocopy of your passport, passport size photo and your hotel address in India.

It's always better to confirm everything and agree on the details before taking up any offer, package, or things like that. Make sure both sides are clear on the payment amount and expectations. Mis-communications can happen so take care to prevent them.

Perhaps I'll add more details and tips in other posts, if I ever get down to doing it. Have fun, my friends and readers.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Farewell, 公公

I wrote the following paragraph (in quotation marks) on the day 公公 passed away.

"Grandpa (公公) passed away peacefully on Sunday, 21 March 2010 at the age of 90. I can't help but notice that his funeral photo looks a lot like my Facebook profile picture - the angle, the smile, the outline, it's so uncanny."

On 23 March 2010, I wrote this:

"公公今日去咗火化。之後会搬去汝莱孝恩园里面嘅一间公寓。阿弥陀佛。 Farewell, 公公, you will be dearly missed. See you during 清明。"

And on 24 March 2010:

"Namo Amituofo, Namo Amituofo... The words keep echoing as I watch the video clip showing the starting point of the final journey."

Monday, March 15, 2010

Bin Go Dou M Seun Dak Gwo 边个都唔信得过

点解仲有啲人虽然唔系冇钱,但系一样咁《贱格》?佢甘愿利用自己嘅朋友 so that 自己唔使出钱。无论麻烦都自己嘅朋友,佢唔理得咁多,最紧要系自己执到利益。屌你阿星。吝啬, 孤寒,贱格,走开啲!爱悭钱都唔使做到咁折堕!

有人认为利用人哋系应该嘅。 They justify it by saying "系佢愿意爱帮吗,所以我就噉罗" or "睇,有人咁好追住嚟搵我喎". To them it's second nature. It's in their blood. They've refined it to such an art. Hell yeah.




Sunday, February 28, 2010

Random Thoughts about Hunan, China

Weather: In winter, cooler than Guangdong. Less variety of palm trees. Leafless trees in many areas. Buildings have heating.

Food: Spicy, salty, oily. Lots of chilli padi. Jacy, you'll love it since you said you can eat chilli padi like eating rice. Hahaha.

Language: Mandarin everywhere with a strong Hunan accent. In some areas local people also speak Hunan dialect, known as "Xiang" or "Changsha hua". Almost nobody speaks English and the only Cantonese you'll hear comes from tourists.

Cities: Even their smaller cities are at least the size of Ipoh or Petaling Jaya. Lots of six-lane thoroughfares even in the smaller towns. Some district cities can rival Kuala Lumpur in size.

People: Mostly Han Chinese in the big cities of Changsha and Changde, and also in the Xiangtan and Shaoshan areas where Mao Zedong came from. In Zhangjiajie and Phoenix City areas, the minority becomes the majority. Tujia people dominate in Zhangjiajie City and Furong (Wangchun), Miao (Hmong) people live in Phoenix City.

Tourists: Usually Chinese from other parts of China, and some overseas Chinese or those from Hong Kong and Taiwan. Hardly any non-Chinese foreign tourists other than Koreans. Can count the number of laowai (gwailo) faces with the fingers on one hand. Non-Mandarin speakers will have a hard time here. Being unable to speak or read Mandarin means no way to ask for help, directions, or anything.

Scenery: Breathtaking. Must visit at least once in a lifetime. Take as many photos as possible. Must visit both Tianzi and Tianmen mountains by cable car. It'll make you tremble when you realise how far you are from the ground below.

What else:

People plant veggies everywhere. At the roadside, at the riverside, on any piece of empty land where plants can grow.

It's customary to sound the horn when overtaking anyone.

Traffic rules don't exist. Yet there's some sort of unwritten order such as the customary sounding of the horn when overtaking.

A lot of people still spit everywhere in public. Kiak, ptui! Yucks. So don't ever fall down on the ground or drop anything. You'll never know if someone just spat there.

Some people throw all their rubbish outside their front or back garden. The reason: They can't afford to pay for proper waste disposal.

Cable cars and high-tension power cables go above people's houses and apartments. I don't know if it's the reluctance of those people to move out or ignorance of the potential health hazards.

In the countryside and even in some cities people still wash their clothes in the river. The water's clear, I saw it with my own eyes but I'm not confident about the cleanliness of the water.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tourist in My City: Bukit Bintang

Last Saturday, 6 Feb 2010 I went to explore Bukit Bintang on my own in the morning. To avoid traffic jams I left home at 8 something and reached B.B. at 8:50 am, parked in Low Yat Plaza basement and walked around the still-closed shopping mall. Walked the backlane to Imbi Plaza, which I hadn't set foot in 13 years. Only a mamak and one or two computer service shops opened at 9 something.

Continued on foot to Sungai Wang Plaza around 9:30 am and overheard the security guards telling some lenglui tourists that the place opens at 10. Took snapshots of the lovely tiger decorations in the basement, taking care to use ISO HI in low light conditions. Continued to B.B. Plaza and crossed over to Hicks Street now known as Changkat Bukit Bintang.

A lot of restaurants have changed, old names of yesteryear are no longer there and new ones have taken their place. Saw a cute tortoiseshell cat with blue bell collar, patted her and made her my photographic model of the morning. Checked out the new Havana formerly known as Little Havana, looks nice with all new renovations. Said hello to the doggy at the Chinese temple nearby, her owner the aunty seems friendly. Saw the new Hotel YY38 along Tong Shin Heights just opposite Hotel Rae. Seems worth a stay.

Passed by Chua Brothers coffeeshop and the famous Meng Kee char siew place, both only open in the morning. Didn't eat because I already had breakfast. Ngau Kee beef noodle already opened for breakfast, they never sleep don't they?

It was getting hot as cloud cover dissipated so I walked past some travel agencies back to Alor Road. Near the place Aunty Linda worked before, I discovered a short row of small wooden houses from the 1950s or before. People still live there and doggies too. Quaint discovery a little off the beaten track :)

Soon I cut across some unnamed sidelanes to Federal Hotel and then back to Low Yat. Bought what I needed to buy there and left B.B. just as the jam picked up. By then it was ten minutes to noon. What a way to spend a Saturday morning :) Felt so happy. Must do more exploration some other weekend mornings.

Ting Ji Tiu Mou 停止跳舞

Since the middle of January 我已经停止跳舞。只系个一晚喺舞蹈室举办嘅 party 先有跳几场舞。果然冇嗮心嚟跳舞。 Granted I enjoyed the moments at the party, each and every one of them, but that doesn't mean that outings will be just as great.

到而家我仲未再去参加啲舞蹈活动。拜三拜五拜六嗰啲舞会我觉得冇趣。仲有几日就过年啦,之後就去中国湖南省旅行。返到嚟就月尾 so looks like 唔使去跳舞 for the rest of the month. 人哋觉得好有趣好 enjoy 嘅话, good for them, I'm glad they have fun and hope they continue to keep their interest going.

有人问我几时会出场?我嘅答案,唔知道几时,睇点先。 When I find back my 心 for 跳舞 I shall return. As long as 嗰个满意得唔到我唔爱去,因为挫败,尤其是阿哩也每次我去都系一样咁唔满意嘅。 Oh well. Just my opinion based on my experience. Others may differ, but they're not me, and they experience different things so that's their opinion based on what's applicable to them.

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Struggle For Optimism

The past eleven days have been rather tumultous with lots of troublesome thoughts and knowledge of undesireable events going on within earshot. It was so disheartening that I felt drained, to say the least. Yet there were times when light shone through the darkness for a little relief.

It is never easy to talk about certain things especially when what you say can be used against you in future. It's always better to err on the side of caution in such situations. Having seen the ugly side of human nature, I do not wish to have anything to do with certain individuals.

Meanwhile it is comforting that there are a few who will stand by me in times of need. However, there will be many instances that I have to face alone. There is no other way around it. I can only hope for the best. That's called optimism.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bachata Notes From Class 20100109

Bachata Notes: (1) Contact points: a) arm b) side c) knee; close is needed for some cool moves. (2) When dipping, balance the weight / counter / centralize. (3) Shoulder lead for "boneka" head styling. (4) Empty right pocket.

How I Felt After the New Year Holidays

"It has been a totally relaxing holiday retreat so far. Swam, ate, drank, socialized with great companionship. I feel I'm getting my life back to where it should be."

That's what I wrote immediately upon reaching home on Sunday, 3 January 2010. Felt such a good feeling. Below are the "before" and "after":

Before: "Tomorrow, Thursday, 31 December 2009 is New Year's Eve. The last day of 2009. I shall avoid downtown Kuala Lumpur with all its traffic jams and human congestion. I seek a retreat from the stressful madness of rushing here and there in noisy environments."

After: "Day 3 of 365: Am back in Kaye Elle safe and sound. Had a fun-filled vacation with great companionship and good luck timing. May more good things come in the days to come."

Dance Quotes

Dancing is wonderful training for girls, it's the first way you learn to guess what a man is going to do before he does it. ~ Christopher Morley, Kitty Foyle

Dancing: the vertical expression of a horizontal desire legalized by music. ~ George Bernard Shaw

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Notes from Malacca: Malacca

Dateline: 11:10 am, 2 January 2010
Subject: Malacca

A good morning so far. Met up with the makan gang yesterday afternoon on their sojourn to the historic city.

Managed to taste the following:
1) Tangkak Beef Noodle
2) Jonker 88 Durian Cendol
3) Ban Lee Siang Satay Celup

Didn't manage to eat at Capitol Satay Celup due to super long queue.

At night, the seven of them went out to Jonker Street pasar malam and "or chien" place. I didn't join as I felt tired and needed some sleep.

Woke up close to midnight, joined them in a chat/drink/music session before calling it a night at 3 am.

Woke up around 8:20 am to a brand new day, Day 2 of 365, Year 2010. Still carrying a healthy sense of optimism.

Felt satisfied that I did manage to reccee some of the key places on my list. Now it's a matter of scheduling. Yes, scheduling.

On Tuesday, many places of interest are closed. On Fri, Sat, Sun ...


Notes from Port Dickson: New Year's Day

Dateline: 10:35 am, 1 January 2010
Subject: New Year's Day

I wake up to a cooling morning that got warmer as the hours advanced towards midday. About ten and a half hours ago, I found out about a trip to Malacca, which I decided to hop on to. It coincides precisely with my desire to reccee the place for a future road trip, be it a day trip or 2D1N.

So I shall drive to Malacca after checking out from the holiday apartment in Port Dickson. Most probably I'll take the coastal road, Federal Route 5 to Lubok China and Masjid Tanah to reach Malacca town.

It has been a totally relaxing holiday retreat so far. Swam, ate, drank, socialized with great companionship. I feel I'm getting my life back to where it should be. Can't wait to get back to gym though. These three months of constant exercise have shown results, though not exceptionally spectacular yet it indeed is substantial. Can see and feel the difference compared to those days. My only regret is not starting 10 years ago. Age is catching up and I've to stay healthy, more so as I love to eat seafood especially prawns and crabs.

In Malacca I'll get myself familiarized with the streets and directions. I expect a lot of tourists in town due to the long weekend in Malaysia and Singapore. It will be jammed in the top tourist areas. Better fill up my petrol tank to the max in Port Dickson.
